
They had to put their secession plans on hold in order to grovel to the US Government for help in their crisis. But don’t worry, they’ll go back to being insufferable once the snow melts.

He painted the exhaust heat shield? What a noob! That’ll last about a week.

I’m not going to lie, Jalopnik membership not withstanding, I would rather an amateur auto shop than nosy religious zealot assholes any day. It really doesn’t matter what you are into, those are the kinds of people that make neighborhoods awful and negatively impact property values long-term.

Community typically grows

she’s got a picture of her eating a donut as her avatar, i seriously doubt she even knows what the inside of a gym looks like. she probably just ripped the article off from mens health or bodybuilding.com or something.

My ancedote doesnt have to do with the article but I thought I’d share.

Can you come by and push my clutch in every morning? It’ll just take a second.

TL;DR - If you live in a place that sucks, ride a bike that sucks, too.

Not sure how you can attribute intent without further inquiry. “Crash” describes the scene. “Accident” has connotation regarding the state of mind of the participants.

um it already has

Step 1: Realize kids aren't people so they don't matter.
Step 2: Enjoy life instead.

Not unlike a pair of sneakers, right?

that "scientist" needs his credentials stripped because that utter nonsense. you know why this is bullshit? because the cabin is fucking PRESSURIZED. what does that mean? it means the air will do the same shit in the cabin as at ground level. if you tried to boil water it would boil at exactly 100C, just like it does

This is the little "dongle" that will help my kids learn to drive

Not to be "that guy" but actually duct tape can and will leave sticky residue if left on for any length of time. For this application, you should use GAFFER'S TAPE...very similar to duct tape but specifically designed to not leave any residue. In fact gaffers tape is intended for use with and on cords.

d list celebs? like who?

Disagree on Heady Topper. It is a completely different style double IPA than something like DFS 90. DFS uses a ton of bittering hops and has a more dank taste which is more typical and quite delicious. Heady uses a shit ton of finishing hops and dry hops the fuck out of their beer. It has a completely different taste

My only problem with this article is that it has to exist at all.

I live maybe 10 minutes from there and followed the case.

It is odd, especially because about 50% of the links they share come directly from reddit