
The fire extinguisher is sooo close the whole time.

Lots of pretty numbers and pretty birds!

It’s worse than that. I think the cops are trying to say “Look at what we deal with every day, aren’t we heroes? Don’t you feel bad for us?” They are using a child’s circumstance to elevate themselves, that is highly cynical.

Her “you know, I think you’re asking very negative questions” line drove me nuts. Ooohhhhh no, I’m being asked a very valid question that’s tough for me to answer.... I know, I’ll deflect and call the interviewer a big meanie weanie and not actually answer the question!

Imagine knowing that there were children being enslaved out there and being like, “You know what, I shouldn’t talk about this to all these reporters, it might distract them from their rightful focus on Matt Hasselbeck.”

And this article doesn’t even mention the 4 goals he scored for me in FIFA last night.

Is it even fair to the other contestants to have Laurie compete? Though I guess this is the same competition that had Joey Fatone on sooo

I would add: be especially careful jogging alone and keep an eye out for signs. Know the difference between a cat print and a dog print in soft ground (cats retract their claws).

So because he is big and strong he deserves dementia?

Huh? Even running backs can’t be hit in the head by another player using their helmets.

He fucking launched himself.

Jesus Christ.

I mean, as Jewel said: “As a feminist, I can’t support everything that’s being said tonight, but as somebody who hates Ann Coulter, I’m delighted.”

Normally I’d be against the relentless abuse of a dumb animal, but I’m ok in Ann Coulter’s case.

It’s been said before but it might behoove this guy to be a little bit more safety conscious. His neighbors must love him.

And, also look at george Bush with Cheney.

There’s a morbid curiosity I have in seeing what Trump as president would really be like. I am a sick person who needs help.

Jewel’s response is lovely:

Being white makes you an expert on everything. Being white is the fucking tits.