

Stop thinking of her as a person and more of a wolverine that you need to make certain is dead once you’ve hit with a bat a few hundred times.

“I’m almost Team Barbie, except, These Heaux? Everyone knows it should be Theze Heaux. She’s dead to me now.”

“I read his interview where he had to check in with Stephen his brother because he was nervous about casting a brown skin actress to play “the girl who picked the white side”. He didn’t think she was light enough.”

My kind of danger man.

Brian just so happens that Suntory Toki Whiskey is a regular decent price of about $32 bucks in my county. Shinsu Mars Iwa is about 3 bucks more. Which of the two would you recommend?

I’m glad you saw it that way because I also found that scene bizarre. I seriously sided with the white girl there and seriously wondered who wrote that dialog. Like who would really do that? As a black man if I were on the market for a mate and some sister I was all into was CLEARLY into a white dude or ONLY white

Trump and Pompeo are getting their lunches eaten.

“I haven’t been the biggest Morgan fan, either. I really didn’t like him most of the time on 30 Rock (that had more to do with Tina Fey’s handling of black characters in her shows). When I saw the subject matter of The Last O.G., I wasn’t expecting the best, either (another black ex-con character...sigh).”

Now playing

“I don’t trust white women AT ALL and I find them to be toxic elements in all relationships.”

The WHOLE HR dept needs to be canned. I’m sure the culture comes from the CEO too but got damn.

Holy SHIT! Someone actually HIRED Star again?

“Because she is so desperate for a seat at the kids table, she is willing to go to bat for abusers, all in the name of a paycheck.”

Wow you have a good grasp on your situation and that’s encouraging. I myself went to mostly white schools our of my neighborhood growing up and in some ways it’s an advantage for dealing with larger white society and in other ways I found it to be a traumatizing experience for me and the other black kids I went to

Now playing

“I’ve felt this way about Donald Glover at times because I’ve heard he has said some really disparaging remarks about Black women and fetishizes white girls and asian girls back in the day.”

“The only people I hear that love Key and Peele are white people and that is damning enough for me. I chuckle at some of their skits but meh overall.”

“I feel like it’s happening for artists like Jordan Peele but I feel like Jordan paid a debt for it in many ways by shucking for white audiences (comedy by Black people for white people...which maybe came easy to him since he seems immersed in white space personally).”

“People of Earth” is one of the better things I’ve seen on tv in the last 5 years. Especially Wyatts character.

Love hearing from the “Pro silicone in the ass” crowd

Give the Queen a proper phot