♪Have no fear, they got stories for years. Like Michonne becomes a robot...♪
♪Have no fear, they got stories for years. Like Michonne becomes a robot...♪
“Stay tuned for the next three episodes and see what is new on the Walking Dead. New characters, new hairstyles, mud baths, flashlights, evolving walkers, slingshots, NINJA JESUS.”
I’d enjoy the show more if the went full-on zany. Kirkman’s first big comic, Battle Pope, featured Jesus as the sidekick to a Pope trained…
or worse- we find out he’s an Imagine Dragons fan
I’ve got Tuesday in the pool for how long until we find out this kid tweeted something offensive in high school.
Hell, once at an amusement park my wife saw some mom grab her own kid (couldn’t have been more than 6 or 7) by the ponytail and yank hard. She charged up to her, grabbed the woman by her own hair and hissed “if I ever see you do that to your kid again I’m pulling yours off completely.”
Somewhere Betsy DeVos just came
The same lunatics that legislate for charter schools are probably donors for these fake sports academies.
Based on the nature of the school and the demographics they served, I would venture a guess that all the parents were at home in a different country because of finances. I mean, he’s threatened to send the kid in audio back to Haiti. SO. He’s the CEO, he’s using people that don’t have a voice or resources or even…
Shit, if you’re the janitor and see that happen to any kid..
“I think we found our next football coach!”
While on the topic, isn’t there some sort of state or federal agency that can shut down these “High Schools” that are actually “Basketball Factories”? Seriously, the psychopath went to Florida and just set up his own school for the sole purpose of being a basketball powerhouse.
If you're a parent at one of these games and you see this happen to your kid, how do you not stomp this guy the fuck out on the spot?
“If he wanted us to go into a game he would pull our ponytail and drag us to the scorer’s table.
“Go read a book, motherfucker.”
And here I thought Whitey Bulger got the most savage shanking today.
WE FREE to take your GD medication as prescribed, you cooning sell out.
Not to mention the vast majority of those fatalities are due to traffic incidents.
Turf them out, too. I was gonna focus on Fox “News” after the midterms, but I may add a rider to start a pressure campaign on the editorial boards of some the major news outlets insisting that they abandon their whataboutism and their obsession with normalizing things that are not normal. Join me, people!