
Telling people to work when you sit on you pasty white fat ass, tweeting and eating McDonalds breakfast biscuits until noon everyday is extra fucking hypocritical.

The video of her outside his hotel. Smh.

It was cold as fuck. AGAIN. It’s not really lack of support but this god awful cold snap.

“Kelly is a bitch just like the rest of the Red Sox.”

No one. I repeat NO ONE would stay after meeting old boy in the basement.

I just re watched it.

I’m mad I never followed up with this.

I’m former L.E.

“I had forgotten all about that one. He should have gone to jail on the tuck and roll itself.”

Pool party in Texas where young sister got thrown to the grown and handcuffed. It’s real. He’s not kidding.

He’s always been the most consistent thing about this show. He’s the young cerebral black man America tries its damnest to suppress and ignore. Unfortunately he rarely has an entirely plausible script to work with on this show.

Probably the only believable thing about the episode.

(We’ve watched the episode a couple of times now, and are still trying to decide if there was ever a brother.)

We literally have weapons that have been used in Iraq that will penetrate your home and ignite the oxygen burning your hick ass alive where you’re hunkered down. Not to mention a million more ways to SEE you hiding with technology.

“I know Noir through a mutual friend, and while I disagree with him on about 90 percent of the issues dealing with guns, the Constitution and black history, one thing that he has never failed at is being accessible”

People in Japan literally use Ichiros old BP stall to practice HIS swing.

“A couple of inches closer and the defender would have had zebra scars on his face for life.”

Take a chance on this

Unfortunately this is something that predates the internet in a serious way.

This is probably not as bad just watching Internet media all the time.