“Borderline obese?”
“Borderline obese?”
I’m sorry but what in the FUCK was she doing walking her bike across the road with headlights coming at her with her head turned?
“OC is one giant carny show”
I might consider that man. Although I’m partial to warmer water but a slower pace is what we need actually.
The wife wants to go to OC this summer.
Last time we went we had hotel guests who blared Lynyrd skynyrd on cassette drinking bud in cut offs at 10pm.
Yeah agreed. Like Bowling Green is stunningly beautiful but if you pay careful attention it’s main source of revenue is tobacco and racism.
“Yeah, I also didn’t realize the Americas were the homeland of the whites. Must’ve missed that day in school.”
Google maps re-routed us/screamed “Don’t go NEAR NoVa right now!” coming home to MoCo through Bowling Green and Port Tobacco. It’s fucking beautiful down there but a bit too rural for me and I like rural.
“According to the website, True Cascadia seeks to “promote White ethnic consciousness in the Pacific Northwest and prevent, as well as reverse, the increasingly discriminatory policies enacted in opposition to Whites in our own homelands.”
Yeah those folks down there are almost a different country.
I know OF who she is. For years folks have been trying to make her and Danity Kane happen. Only when they HAPPEN to “perform” that usually snuffs out them “happening”.
St Marys county.
“Yep, that person is isolated in terms of worship. The Nation of Islam is the only way to salvation for Blacks.”
“A lot of guys who watch this kind of porn are angry that they can’t get “hot girls” to have sex with them. So watching violent porn fills two needs: the fantasy of having sex with an attractive woman and the fantasy of vengefully hurting and humiliating her.”
“I had to stop reading about halfway through. This is why I don’t date anymore. Most men think this is what sex is. This isn’t sex. This is snuff.”
“They pick up broken people and put them back together, people no one else wants to bother with.”
No it isnt but Trump knows nothing of this and is doing the bidding of the Kremlin. He can easily bullshit his base that “bringing back our troops is making America first” and frankly South Korean is probably at the stage where they don’t trust us to do anything correctly.
Well this morning Cathy Huges had all the female jocks host Danis show together while she called in and said some “encouraging words”.
One the things I’m most looking forward to doing when I get to visit.
The CGI deer was it for me.