
I have not watched the show in almost 2 years and it’s been the best feeling being free of these stupid ass “developments”.

I don’t know if I would call Malia “Wild” so much as careless. She got caught smoking a joint at concert on camera when she and her equally careless white Sidwell buddies should have blazed in the limo.

Jenna had a fake id and got busted using it.

or when Wesley tripped over his own feet?

Dog eats Sushi and beer.

First of all fuck your dog. Sushi is too good and expensive for dogs no matter how “good” they are..lol

“Yeah, it really is disconcerting. The schools can’t make up for bad parenting, no matter how hard they try.”

“Jordan Peele ain’t in these streets like “I got a white wife cuz one time I called a black woman pretty and my mom changed my life and perspective forever because she’s like ‘nah you’re gonna date white women’”.”

“It really hit home for me how common these things are. What’s worse, is some parents keep buying them for their kids and openly defy the principal claiming “they’re harmless”. It really has the principal at his wits end.”


“if the laws are lax in VA and WVA but hard as fuck in DC and MD (guns) folks in DC and MD can import and vice versa (pot).”

“And that’s the shit you throw at the “what about Chicago” crowd: it’s called porous city limits and the ability to drive!”

“Fun fact, its illegal to sell handguns to persons from another state without going through a dealer in the residence state. Why not change that to cover long guns?”

I’m behind on the Telltale games. I stopped watching the show entirely last season. I just KNOW they will fuck up Clementine which means I won’t be back.

I think the most gun laws or lack thereof are not as well known as they should be.

I think you have a point but also remember that states like Ga you can sell a weapon to pretty much anyone in a supermarket parking lot. While the Parkland shooter bought his new I think some kids are wealthy enough to buy the lower end ARs no problem and many more kids probably have access via Craiglist and gun

“lonzo had a good game last night...

That is STILL the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen a father do in public to a daughter.

“Lewinsky has always seemed to have a certain love of fame and power. I think a powerful man flattered her, it went to her head, and he used her poorly. That doesn’t necessarily equate to the fellatio she performed on him under his desk in the Oval Office to be a nonconsensual act.”

Like Michelle Fiore whose electibility bonafides is pretty much guns and tits.