“Why in holy hell does the NRA need a TV “network”?”
“Why in holy hell does the NRA need a TV “network”?”
Oh man....I so needed this.
I’d settle for watching Emma beat her with sticks.
Sorry man but Dana ,Wayne LaPierre and too many other insulated Americans feet don’t ever touch the ground where gun deaths occur on the regular.
And in all seriousness Dana deserves to shot more than anyone in this country. That phony ass tough white girl act she and Laura Ingraham do is not only bullshit but I would be good money both of them would push a child in front of them to avoid a school shooter.
Nah Nah.
During some of her closeups in “Black Panther” I thought to myself...is she even in makeup? Like seriously no one should have a complexion that perfect.
“I think it’s important to air things like this to disabuse Americans of the assumption that anyone with an English accent is automatically smarter than they are.”
Of COURSE the guy in the picture was convicted of filming sex with a 15 year old. Holy fucking shit these folks are rotten to the core.
“Ugh....it’s Madonna”
“Spaghetti Cat still makes me fall down laughing.”
“Are jew serious?!”
And a sex dolls vacant stare
I’ll be that dude too.
Problem is they saved lives.
CNN featured a story on a Neo Nazi who was married to a black woman for Valentines Day. They take whoever shows up and preaches the gospel.
What is it with these fake Neo Con “tough talking” bitches?
You know even without him being so direct as a black kid growing up in the 70s you end up with this sort of “Decent white man” radar system. Just a real serious feeling about a guy you think would not freak out if you bought the house next to him or stood behind him at an ATM machine.