
You know I try to see things through the lens I had before I became a parent and basically their is precious little difference. I like children and you probably made a deeper point about a swath of Americans who love their phallic sense of power more.

“Guns dont kill people, people kill people. Taking away guns is not the answer, more guns is. If every child had an assault rifle then this tragedy would not have occurred. — The NRA”

Let’s hope she’s shot with this popular weapon.

“The thing is he’s a good hunter. He could do it with a “real” hunting rifle. But he doesn’t because it doesn’t look as cool.”

Exactly. Hogs are formidable but if it takes a semi auto you probably should n’t be hunting that animal.

“It’s not defeatist, IMO, it’s being realistic. It is unsolvable. It’s already been decided that no number of dead kids is too much.”

“Not that I can tell what your stance is but would it matter? A 19 year old civilian had access to an AR15. Shits fucked”

I was in METCO but I went to a private school in Cambridge/Belmont until 5th grade. METCO thought I would help the program somehow. My parents didn’t want me NEAR Bostons notorious racist school system and for good reason. To this day I never though South Boston HS was worth fighting for. Them and those Charlestown

“There. I did some (of the remaining) copy editor’s job.”

“This is just ridiculous. His children are 3 and under and they have no other way to live, if he’s not there. What the hell is wrong with this administration?”

“Despite our review of Quinn Norton’s work and our conversations with her previous employers, this was new information to us. Based on it, we’ve decided to go our separate ways.”


First of all.

They claim they didn’t know her background, which is not only a giant fucking lie in my opinion but opens the door to fire some more ignorant motherfuckers too. ANYONE involved in her hiring that is.

“She seems to think being a Nazi is some sort of quirk you’re supposed to overlook, like your friend who never texts back”

“Tryst” in Adams Morgan.

People forget that Tony Kornheiser did much worse talking about a 15 or 16 year old Brittney Spears on his radio show in the late 90s. I seriously could not believe how many times he talked about her in a sexual way on air.

You’re REALLY perceptive.

I think it’s mostly a joke but dating in Japan is a source of serious stress ( like everything else in Japan ). I think the pressure is probably worse for those who care in Japan because of White day. In enlongates the whole process to more than a month which is probably a major pain in the ass given the whole culture

“You know when I was writing this, I knew it would be taken out of context. All I am saying is it’s the Olympics not your local competition.”