“Sounds a bit too precautionary, but I guess he didn’t want you drugged or something. How about drink slow and know your limit? :)“
Bernie misses a lot of things.
“often park thier cars on my side of the street, even though there’s nothing in their garage, driveway, or own side of the street preventing them from doing so.?”
“Yep...it doesn’t even roll off the tongue as a “nickname”. This whole thing is stupid, uncreative, low-brow trolling.”
The thing about white folks that can’t be ignored is how they OBSESSES on us.
“This. I think this is a good attitude. Just like teaching your kids to have safe sex doesn’t mean helping them get a hook up.”
Giving Trump ratings and drinking to it?
My parents never just gave me alcohol underage but my dad talked to me constantly about HOW to drink when I got older.
Didn’t need to read.
“find it interesting that Amara is becoming the face of the colorism debate in the Latinx community, but I find it appalling that someone like Charlamagne tha God would ask her, “You sure it’s not in your mind?”
You don’t wait until he has the pole. Security is supposed to pounce on ANYONE not the performer touching the stage.
Yeah I think it’s more about being assigned to the ISS long term. It does seem strange you can do all that highly technical labor and not stay on board.
Apparently not.
“Yeah, we learned with Michael Brown that they have the ability to “hulk up” and run through bullets.”
I know that fam. She’s actually like the 5th or 6th in space.
That’s a sober reaction man but when you take into account that there is a “Rogue NASA” twitter account I think you need to be extra diligent in requiring an answer as to why an the first black female Astronaut would be off the mission of a lifetime.
It’s time to stop waiting for folks who in some cases just graduated HS to call it what we all know it to be.