
If this is the direction they’re going with the game, then I don’t want any more of them.

I hope it does poorly just to prove to Nintendo that this is not what we want from a Metroid game.

Bring a Fire-type. Ice is weak against Fire.

Oh we’re all clearly doomed. Casca having a white skin will bring forward WW3.

You can still encounter random fights in pokemon go, but instead of battling with your pokemon you’re going to be fighting with hobos with your fists.

Ugh, this just keeps looking worse and worse and more and more like ingress. Hard pass! give me a real style pokemon game where I get a starting pokemon and encounter random fights and can actually battle with others by commanding the pokemon. Not this hold a location auto win garbage

no different then anywhere else during that time, look at what the church was doing in the west. they are just sick

I have heard a lot of comments from people at E3 that this year there was lots of extra space and some dead spots due to some of the big booths not being there this year. But I also heard that attendance in general seemed to be low. Lowest since the garage days, maybe even lower. Do you think this year is an

IKR. It is the first time I’m genuinely interested in a CoD game since MW2. I’m not ready to fully commit yet so I will keep an eye on it for now.

Thanks to everyone who keeps reading and supporting Kotaku. We love you all.

Uh, you cheat in an online competitive game you do it at your own risk, if you get banned well, that’s your fault. If the ban is unfair you can appeal the decision. Also why would anyone ban people if they cheat in “offline mode”?

So if the parent of that kid wanted to keep the little angel out of harms way she should have done it, that’s the counterpoint to your idiotic logic. No seriously though we get it, your little Braiyden is too young to understand the consequences of his actions so it’s not his fault, and it’s ABSOLUTELY not your fault

If you make ‘em, you wrangle ‘em. I don’t understand this thought process of “lol, who could ever control their own kid?! Mine just causes wanton destruction and I don’t even get how!” If you care so little about your child’s welfare that you can’t hold a 2-year-old’s hand or put them in a stroller, you’re probably

Nah, if you don’t want your kid in a gorilla pit, especially after he says several times over that he’s going to try to get in it....Take your god damn kid elsewhere. Maybe even keep your eyes on him?

That’s like saying its ok to rob from peoples house if they don’t have a good lock or security system. Or if you find someones wallet its ok to use there credit cards and money because they should have kept it safe.

That’s like saying its ok to steal because they didn’t protect it well enough.

Doesn’t matter how hard they are to rangle, you are alone responsible for everything and anything they do. And should be held accountable as such. If a kid does something or hurts themselves or someone else nobody absolutely nobody should take the blame but the parents and the kid.

So, the headline isn’t that a sociopathic POS tries to deflect blame by coming up with an outlandish story: threats against the parents, rape (time and again!) and of course coercion. Let me guess, nobody will be able to corroborate any of this, yet the headline suggests that SHE is the real victim in this. Geez, this

Damn it. I was really looking forward to playing it next month.

It doesn't make any noise.