100% this killed him if not pushed him off the edge if you think anything else you delusional. #meetoo is a murder and those who support the act of blame on a whim without proof beyond she said it so its true is responsible.
100% this killed him if not pushed him off the edge if you think anything else you delusional. #meetoo is a murder and those who support the act of blame on a whim without proof beyond she said it so its true is responsible.
its called proof, find some. she said doesn’t matter unless you have proof
metoo does it again GG zoe gg....
Oh no not a, JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Won’t somebody think of the kids!!!!!!!! “clutches pearls”
Fuck Epic and Fuck any dev that takes their money may the all go bankrupt. Back to the seas me hardies
OMG not.....WHITE PEOPLE!!!!!!!! The horror!!!!!!.
guess the click bait worked
its fine get over it its art its cyberpunk this is the world. don’t like it don’t play it pretty simple
no it simply skews their vision and pollutes the core of cyberpunk and its culture.
seems like the art is pretty inclusive
if you use the word “problematic” not in air quotes your the problem
clearly you drank the kool aid
if you think that your dumb as all get out. they have never done anything to trans people period. they made a joke and you crazy sjw nut jobs went twitter bonkers for no reason. they didn’t even know what it was about because they don’t operate in the same space as the stupidity in the west.
and then maybe the game is not for them and they should move along. instead of trying to take away everyone else fun.
your just made that they pissed on game journalism, sorry baristas need to remember to use the proper title
isn’t her magic gone with the triforce now that gannon was sealed
Thank god for that
God i hope not, its legend of zelda i want to play as link wield a sword and be a lovable goof. Not zelda unless you can choose but don’t force us to play zelda
No doubt this will be a trash fire if netflix is involved. Some Preachy sjw nonsense for sure.
100% racist, Disingenuous clickbait title.
with a healthy graphical downgrade of course