I'm "tired of it" because people have no business telling someone how to create their story. If you want more of a certain type of person, write your own story.
The numbers are on Ubisofts side though. On xbox 360 in 2012 the top 3 game varieties bought are 1. Shooters 2. Action 3. Sports
I mean, it's 2014—why can't I play Skies of Arcadia without digging up my GameCube?
6th thing
What do you think their reason for not including female assassins could be if not the reason they gave? I don't make games either, but I don't see what ulterior motive they could possibly be covering up by lying. If anything, maybe the exaggerated. Maybe it wouldn't double the production, but it would add more to it…
No, they just put it out hoping and then sit around being sad.
It makes me a little sad that this is going to be the tin can people beat on for the next few years when there are many more relevant issues in the gaming industry.
I think Nintendo fans think this reveal was bigger than it really was.
It feels to me that the Kotaku people have a special kind of hate for WD. The review and now this? Are you people serious? There are far worse games you gave YES to... with all due respect, I think you guys are over-reacting a bit.
I've found the game to be very fun and enjoyable. There are problems sure. But I think I'm enjoying it more then I did infamous second son. The city feels gritty and a undercurrent of people trying to make their marks with any means. Sure the game throws guns at you. And honestly I walked down city streets hacking…
I like Watch Dogs, and I am still in Act II playing it. I understand people's disagreements with Aiden Piece being an "Empty Personality", but I think he was designed that way. He was created in a way that leaves him open to the Gamers interpretation. You want to play the good hearted vigilante that only kills…
I'm so incredibly sad that there are so many people on this site that seem determined to watch this game fail. Either because it didn't meet their weird preconceptions of what it would be (despite nearly two years of previews) or because it didn't match the graphical fidelity that it was initially shown at (I don't…
and of course i already see the "but its a male power fantasy, its not for females!" which is complete bullshit considering most powerful women are powerful in beauty as well.
Confirmed. We will hold battle position.
The last time the game was suppose to be designed for PC...
"I got a PS4 and Infamous!"
Bushido blade needs to make a comeback, with PS Move control compatibility.
To be fair, he really does have the right to say that shit in the privacy of his own home. I've dropped the N word more times than I can count, I've joked about bomb threats, dead babies, murder, terrorism, fucking every horrible thing you can imagine. If someone was to tape that shit, because I have a fucked up sense…