The Grandmurder!
The Grandmurder!
Hey Japan, leave the egregious and victim disrespecting serial killer nicknames to the professionals in the US and UK press, hmm?
wonderful advice, right up there with “just relax” and “calm down”
something something “complex problems” something something “simple solutions” something something “always wrong.”
It means it’s the most popular fast food.
It’s popular music so it’s inherently, by definition, about being a money-spinner. The enduring popularity IS an indication of quality. It shows a great number of people found something charming and attractive about it. That’s the point. Not what a few think about it artistically but what a mass audience gets out of…
Okay, I really hesitate to wade into this, but serious question for people who are savvier than me: just what in the hell is Donna Brazile’s endgame here? Does she even know?
And for the sake of whatever piteous shreds of sanity you might have left, don’t click on that Frozen Tumblr article.
“Hasta la vista, baby!”
Where the hell have you been the last year?
She’s over 35 years of age and a natural born citizen. That’s all it takes.
So can he be deported now? He’s in the US on a work visa, and I’m sure he wouldn’t want to be a grotesque hypocrite about immigration.
This REALLY felt derivitive of previous episodes. They reused the 5 pronged chalk writer, as if the chalk jokes weren’t already overdone, along with the “Lisa simpson, you failed X so you can’t be president” joke. Except without finding out monster island is in fact a peninsula.
For some reason I thought this wasn’t back until December. Made my evening! I’m looking forward to another season of loving everything about this show except Frank, who should’ve died five seasons ago.
The Quasimodo joke reminds me of guys in bars who complain that all the hot chicks are so stuck up, even though they literally turn their noses up at any girl that’s less than an eight, cause they deserve a hot chick, regardless of their own less than optimum appearance/charm/hygiene.
Wasn’t it essentially an episode of Curb too where the blind guy was picky about what the woman looked like? You could even go as far as to say it’s a Seinfeld bit where George didn’t want to be with a woman who was also bald. At their core they’re all the case of beggars being choosers.
I don’t see how they could be considered punk; they’ve been around since 1992, and Blink-182 didn’t even invent the punk genre until 1995.
Did your instructor, obviously not a fan of sci-fi, anticipate Tesla and electric cars?
Oooh CBS announced Jordan Peele is developing a Twilight Zone reboot for the network
Was Leo ever accused of something??