
Agree on the Playhouse. Seen lots of great shows there.

I would think petunias and ‘Oh, no. Not again.’

His name is Lee, Goddamnit!

Well there’s a new Black Lightning, so I’m good, thanks.

Ketchup is for winners, Ted.

As a white kid in the deep south, this was one of the records, along with a couple from Richard Pyror, that me and my cousins would listen to on low down in the basement. Eddie wasn’t quite as hated at Iron Maiden or Kiss, but it was close.


Jerry obviously wrote the missive of 16 October.


Everything was awesome in this episode, but looking at the comments, I see no one has mentioned that Bronn is back, baby! So, um, Bronn is back, baby!

KISS.. 15 times..first time was 1979. Last time was 2013. My second most seen live band would be the Avett Brothers (10) if that makes you feel better about me.

I still miss this show.

Favorite Non-Arnold Quotes From Predator Thread:

I am sick (and tired) of every insignificant thing being made political. It was a show. It's gone. It was not ever going to change anybody's world in any meaningful way. They'll be other smug assholes on your television soon enough to spoon feed your doses of inoffensive, lilly-white comedy. Hell, there's probably 13

Man Bites Dog…the home invasion with the boy.

Sokath, his eyes uncovered!

The trailers I saw made me think of an Indiana Jones type adventure movie. This makes it sound like something completely different, so I'm in.

Sweet, merciful, Shiva, what world have I found myself on this time?

You make a good point. I just was expecting (hoping, maybe) for more forward movement in Q's quest to resurrect Alice than what we were shown.

I thought the mapmaker dude was cool. If they do the whole ship around the world thing, I wonder if he'll show up again… Agree about Q and the parents..seemed a whole lot of nothing to get nowhere in particular. . . Otherwise, not a bad hour of television.