
Your buddy's what?

Me too.

Also, I mean, we're looking down on Wayne's basement. Only that's not Wayne's basement. Isn't that weird?


One of my favorites, here in south Georgia anyway is 'He/She has gone on to his/her reward.'Works no matter what sort of Baptist you are talking about and especially if you are talking about some mess of heathens or the other.

I think it's pronounced "SSAVAGEAHYNEMAL" But we were all drunk at the time..so ROCK ON!

I would drink a Merlot with Jack .

No Cattle Decapitation Mentions?

Best dudes on a mission movie ever. Along with Pulp Fiction and maybe Wrath of Khan, also the most quotable movie of all time. Best ensemble of arse-kickers ever. Maybe even best movie of all time, Ah the times I've been drunk, turned to one of my friends and said, 'Bishop, do the thing with the knife." The fact my

This may or not be news to you (or to anyone but me) but I read an old letters column years ago in a Marvel Two-In-One (maybe) where T.M. Maple signed his/her letter "The Mad Maple." I always felt that was kind of like finding out Peter Parker was Spiderman. I also had a weird theory once that T.M. Maple was

This movie and The Fox And The Hound are my two favorite Disney movies. I saw Fox and the Hound with my kid sister (who was maybe three at the time) and I was eight or nine, I cried like a baby, when Todd and Copper part ways.

Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it . . Valor pleases you, Crom… so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to hell with you! </conan>

What's taters, Precious?

Boo! This day sucks!

So I made a decision and it was . . . wrong. It was a bad call, Ripley. It was a bad call.

So an update of Simple Jack, then.

"Many Bothans died to bring us this information," Mon Mothma said. "If you know what I'm saying."

Sore wa daijōbudesu.


I would say…NERDS…….but I just bought a ticket to get an autograph and a picture with Ric Flair at an independent wrestling show not far from where I live in south Georgia for 75 bucks. Is it worth it? Probably not, but my inner 16 year old wouldn't let me pass up the opportunity to meet his hero. So there's that . . .