
As an armchair psychiatrist psych major, I think she pretty much has the cluster B category covered. Borderline, histrionic and narcissistic. I don't think she's anti-social in the sociopathic sense though, although her past behavior does demonstrate anti-social disregard for the law.... still don't think she's a

Replace what you said about Christianity with any other group of people and realize you sound idiotic. You simply cannot judge an entire group by the actions of some loud dummies. Not all Christians hate LGBT people, not all Muslims are terrorists, and not everyone who rejects religion is smarter than everyone else.

I kind of get the impression you saw someone using this .gif appropriately somewhere, it was a big hit and you waited for literally any opportunity to use it yourself.

I thought they meant the other Kirk Douglas, and got very confused.

"Awareness". The oldest scam in the non-profit playbook.

That's bassists.

It was so funny, it makes you forget Obama's "fuck 'em all" deportation record and his hard-on for drone strikes on innocent wedding parties.

Not fun fact: President Obama is George Zimmerman, using drones to stand his ground against innocent Pakistani kids who make him feel threatened.

Imagine if there was something really important happening in the world...

I'll pray for all of you who couldn't watch your show, god knows first world problems are the worst.

You had me at lesbian sorority sisters.

We're flipping the table because that socialist paradise has jobs that let you leave the office at 5pm, right?

I don't think there is a merit badge for Oreo cookie tasting or poorly written, snarky journalism.

Because it doesn't align with Jezebel's worldview, which as we know, is the the only correct one.

I didn't mind his oscars speech... He just thanked god, said a shout out to do dead dad, and basically said he tries to compete against his potential, which is where I find my motivation from as well. He seemed extremely sincere in all of it, and especially in his words to his fellow nominees. What's more is that he

What horrible things did Arizona ever do to deserve her?

Can I just? For one moment?

If I put in a completely apropos of nothing picture of G'Kar from Babylon 5, do you think we could get away with an O-Deck share? ;-)

Kissinger, Bush, Cheney, Obama, etc...when has the US ever held itself accountable for war crimes?

Jezebel is part of the media. They post news stories all the time, they used to post a lot of paparazzi photos of celebrities, and they have had real journalists writing for this website, who went on to work for The Guardian and The Washington Post. I don't mistake this place for NPR or The New York Times, but they