I really don't understand why Jezebel has an axe to grind over this film. I suppose you'd love it if a female directed it and it was a female character falling in love with "male" software?
I'm sorry — but WHO here is being petulant? Cuz I don't think it's Spike.
Meh; pissing on a Taliban corpse is not a big deal nor an act that should be punished. They kill our soldiers, they don't respect our dead yet we're supposed to be so respectful of them and their beliefs? Nope; dip those animals in bacon grease and call it a day.
The race card has been played! Of course, she's the victim! Duh! Anytime a black person or a woman does something, however stupid, the reaction can only be explained by racism or sexism. I'm sure MLK and Susan B. Anthony would feel proud that they fought so hard for equality but in reality, they got equality +1.
The waitress with the fake homophobic message on her bill has really ruined things like this for everyone. . .
Non sequitur alert! Michelle Trachtenberg and Seth Green were both on Buffy but they did not overlap. Is that right?
I bet she really hates Moose and Squirrel.
Anastasia Steele is basically Bella Swan with a different name. I'm still mad that Twilight was a thing.
A Spanish-surnamed production company is racist? That's some seriously Jezebel-level "I'm going to find racism behind ever single gesture," there.
And now, a reading from a letter from St. Paul to the Corinthinians:
As a Pistons fan I have to laugh or else I'll be consumed with crippling rage.
6 more fouls on Lebron in June.
But didn't Obama take a selfie at Mandela's memorial? That's way more inappropriate than a selfie at the Oval Office.
they told the group that this type of social media foolishness wasn't really acceptable in the home of America's first family
"But why doesn’t he have a vagina?"
Pfft. They could hire Kathryn Bigelow to direct and this film will still suck. Shitty screenplays make for shitty movies.
Every single dude named Sage I've ever met has been a total d-bag, without fail. This one's no exception.