
Pretty much but that dosen't fit Saint West's High-Larious narrative now does it?

If hurting gun owner fees fees is the price to pay to keep our kids safe including the kids my fiancé and I hope to have one day than I'm ok with that.

Maybe it will be like that episode of " Star Trek" where they find a planet that is being run by a computer that Kirk destroys using a logical fallacy. So in this case all of Fox News will explode. And nothing of value was lost.

It's hard to believe your claims that you care about issues involving POC when I read this story over at Groupthink around 8 am cst this morning when I got to work and it's now 4:30 and you're just getting to talking about it. Was the middle part of the day coming up with new ways Jlaw is our BFF?

If you take the sex part out of the equation, is it really any worse than this?

Dammit I got in my head just from reading the name of the song in your post. Why is that song so catchy?! WHYYYYYY!

I read that way to quickly and thought you said Glinda and began to wonder what version of The Wizard Of Oz you watched as a kid.

It makes me like him more. We could go out for beers and share tales of using the snowboarders laying on the ground adjusting bindings as slalom poles.

He specifically asked if she's seen the movie and her feelings on it. She tap dances around the subject and then posts a diatribe on twitter. Real professional. But it's a woman so of course the Jez community will take her side.

You're surprised Jez would automatic take the woman's side? Just like thhe automatically belived the lies spewed by the New Jersey waitress.

I ahoukd make a list of all the things that happened years ago yet Jez won't shut about. I mean Akin's "legitimate rape" comment was 2012 let it go already! See how stupid this sounds? Also we just found out aboht it even though it happened three years ago. Sorry you don't like the idea of a poc woman getting the same

If she wanted to be an anonymous jackass she wasn't required to join the military and disrespect a symbol that means something to the families of Mia soldiers

What does Kanye West have to do with this? Oh you're one of those who thinks everyone he says is hold and if you called him an arrogant jackass you're racist

You mean made people back up a second and use some deductive reasoning before throwing thier money at someone over something they read in the liberal blogosphere?

Edit : sorry replied to wrong person.

After waitress-gate I'm gonna hold my outrage for a couple of days.

I'm somewhat dreading the arguments my fiancé and I will have when we get married and have our own place over my anime posters being hung up.

Correct. Seth left sometime in Season 4 I believe. Or it might have been late Season 3. Michelle did not appear until season 5 although i think she may have appeared at the end of the last episode of season 4 as a WTF moment leading into the offseason I'm not 100% on that.

That must have been an awkward reunion. " Hey, remember that awesome thjng that occurred before you started on the show/ after you left the show? Yeah good times."

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