
Considering the book was originally Twilight fanfic that's not really that surprising.

It must be nice to get paid to post things online you troll social media for. Sounds like a fun gig.

I always love that when I drive down I-35 from Oklahoma City to Fort Worth to visit family the last thing I see before leaving Oklahoma is a casino and the first thing I see after crossing the river in Texas is a porn shop.

Yup. But remember it's racist to ever critique Obama's actions.

I made that same comment and it must have been deleted before it got out of the grays. I was really shocked to see that after all the articles on transphobia issues that have been posting after the Piers Morgan interview. Sadly I doubt the community will come down to hard on one of their own.

First off it wasn't like they were ripping open Michelle's underwear drawer or reading the kids diaries. It was a few pics in the Oval Office. Also keep in mind this is the same president whose Secretary of State's husband got a BJ in that office. So it might behoove you to keep the righteous moralizing about the

I knew a Sage who was In my group of nerdy gamer friends. He was the guy who memorized Dungeons and Dragons books and ran at least three games if not more every year at the local anime con. Nice enough fellow but one of the uber nerdiest friends I had.

So woman = vagina? That seems quite contrary to what's been talked about here the last few days.

The Room is a pretty bad movie. But worst movie ever made? I can name a dozen movies just from Mystery Science Theater 3000 that are way worse. The Room is primarily known because Tommy Weisau is just a fascinatingly odd little man. But Uwe Bolle has made much wrose films and no one nwants to make a movie about him.

What kind of error message are you getting?

Am I crazy or is there any cats head photoshopped on that one?

And where did you get your amazing powers that let you determine from a distance over the Internet this person has an actual mental illness and isn't just a vindictive jackass with money to burn?

" it doesn't matter, my friend. You see, these laws only apply if you're a straight white male. Of course I'm two out of three and I can lay a smackdown with my Egyptian God Cards. But sadly for our young friend, being a lady means these laws would not apply. Sad indeed. Trust me I'm a pharaoh."

Seriously. This movie looks to be the millennialis "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"

All the proof you need of the power of beards. They saved a tv franchise.

Maine needs some better celebrities. I'm tired of this asshole being our representative in pop culture. Tony Shaloub was the most famous alum from my alma matter the University Of Southern Maine let's give him the job. As far as I know he's not a total asshole.

There's a difference between not loving it and being a dick about it.

You really think the woman who lured a mentally impaired. man across the country with the promise of marriage,made herself the beneficiary of his Social Security and life insurance and then beat him to death could really be rehabilitated? Read the article , she had a crew including her own son. And her daughter

So are we suppose to feel sad? Are you saying the life of a female murderer is worth more than the life of a male one? Is this someone evidence of the patriarchy in action? Or is it just click bait? What are we supposed to feel from this?

As a Celtics fan I can't stand the Heat and LeFlop. But when you get two rings you can do whatever you want and shoo the haters away. I'm still not buying a Samsung phone until he stops endorsing them though.