This is what irritates me about the cult of Bey. If you have any kind of legit criticism about anything she does then you hate her as a black woman and are a racist. There would be the same outrage if it were Lady Gaga or Miley who did this.
This is what irritates me about the cult of Bey. If you have any kind of legit criticism about anything she does then you hate her as a black woman and are a racist. There would be the same outrage if it were Lady Gaga or Miley who did this.
I hope you're never in a horrible tragic accident that gets recorded and some pop singer uses as a background track for some song that will be forgotten about in a month. That is what the families of those who died doing something a lot more daring and heroic than Queen B has ever done. These people risked their lives…
I love how this is such a joke to everyone. Wonder if there would be so many jokes if he tried to murder her for wanting him to get off the Xbox.
The best part about the posting fee is that it doesn't go against the luxury tax. So a team can post, play the bidding game, get out if it gets to pricy and not only get their money back not take a hit to payroll flexibility.
The part I love is how you keep repeating that you HAD A HANGOVER!! Maybe the guy was a total douce canoe but it's not his fault you choose to drink yourself into a stupor and are now paying the consequences for it.
Yeah usually the only sports stories that come over here are when a football player is accused of rape or if someone says girls and boys can't play games together.
I'm surprised not to see more KD gifs around here. That line from the commercial seems like it would be perfect for it.
I wonder if it tells on the Facebook wall where the clothing comes from. "Congratulations, you removed this shirt from the lovely Candace and now are sharing it".
So since the first thread i wrote has gotten out of control i wanted to start a new one so i could clear the air.
So since the first thread i wrote has gotten out of control i wanted to start a new one so i could clear the air.
I didn't have a lot of money to spend on an engagement ring so I got my gf a very nice looking promise ring. I'm sorry I don't have a blogger job which gives me tons of money to drop on a Tiffany diamond. But my girlfriend got a wonderful ring she loves and of Jez has an issue with it being a promise ring I have…
I LOVE Utena. It's the Neon Genesis Evangelion for girls.
My CLAMP experience consists of several episodes of CCS, several volumes of Tsubasa, a few episodes of XXXholic and of course Angelic Layer. I loved the anime but wasn't big on the manga. I don't know why. I want to say the art but it's basically the same style as Tsubasa and i have no issue there. I want to finish…
I wish I could ungray you because this is an excellent observation. They took all the focus off of Sakura on the dub and put it on Sayoran to appeal to a male audience in the states. What's funny is that the manga was made by an all female group called Clamp who have made a ton of successful manga. One of my favorite…
That's where "based on a real life event" and "creative liberties" come into play.
I'm sure CN execs have their heads up their asses but let's not pretend Dini doesn't have an axe to grind for his show being canceled.
I'm sure the people negotiating for the movie rights to their story would have appreciated that since it would make their job much easier. How dare those women who were kidnapped and raped and held captive for years not bonded and resisted in a way that can look epic when filmed and set to Kelly Clarkson music.
I believe in hell and i can't imagine there is a hot enough circle for all the assholes quoted in this story. Even Shepard Books special hell for child molesters and people who talk in movie theaters is too good for these assholes.