I live in Oklahoma City & I'm almost positive that Mrs. Handler is in the Sheraton hotel in downtown attached to the Cox convention Center where the IzumiCon anime convention was held last month.
I live in Oklahoma City & I'm almost positive that Mrs. Handler is in the Sheraton hotel in downtown attached to the Cox convention Center where the IzumiCon anime convention was held last month.
Damon's joke somehow managed to be both offensive and unfunny.
Why do I read this stuff at work? It's really awkward trying to explain to my customer why I just started crying.
Totally unrelated to the topic but as a "Short Man"( 5'4", to short to be average to tall to be a 'little person') who manages to go years without making random rape jokes i respectfully request Erin go screw off.
Just did it.
What you call an imaginary conversation she calls a moment of faith. with a higher power. As long as she's not trying to force that on you, why does it bother you? I need a ruling on the field, would be this concern trolling?
And how exactly does that personally affect you?
Camille Pagila, speaking as a man, i would request that you stop speaking for us since you don't seem to know what the fuck you are talking about.
Beyonce hate on Jezebel? Are you sure we're reading the same website?
Beyonce hate on Jezebel? Are you sure we're reading the same website?
If you're the quarterback for two SB winning teams you get a lot of leeway, even if it's not deserved.
Sorry considering she wipes her ass with more money I'll make in a year I really couldn't care less about jLaw's fee fee
My word, Urkel had more game than this loser.
They're selling pizza rolls so make sure to add fat shaming.
How exactly is white knighting? First off we don't know the gender of the tweeter. Can a woman be a white knight? Second of a man says they are in opposition to traditional gender roles does that makes them a white knight? If I were at home I would just post the Inaygo Montoya gif but sadly I'm still stuck at work.
The sad part is that at the rate that they're moving, by the time they get a black female comic on the show Michelle will be out of the White House.
Fox News is a bunch of morons. But that said, can we please stop using Bengahzi as a punchline. People actually died in that attack.