Cheating, and then complaining about people not believing it? Sound like Tiesi-Manziel...(puts on sunglasses)...ran like a diva.
Cheating, and then complaining about people not believing it? Sound like Tiesi-Manziel...(puts on sunglasses)...ran like a diva.
It would not be a true conservative shitstorm if Newt Gingrich didn’t weigh in, which he did on Monday, going on Fox & Friends to swipe at Coulter. “[Trump] should not pay any attention to Ann Coulter,” Gingrich said, adding, “She’s off here in some fantasy land where she gets to be noisy, which helps her sell books.”…
stfu loser
Why even wait for additional footage? You always believed these little chuds did nothing wrong, and nothing will convince you otherwise. Your last three sentences are just textbook projection- like Laura said, believe your damn eyes. A huge group of rich, oblivious kids doing tomahawk chops and mockingly chanting India…
It’s so weird that so many people independently decided that MAGA gear and Trump slogans were a great way to intimidate minorities. It couldn’t possibly that all of those people easily understood the messaging behind those things. I’ve been told that would be an unfair interpretation of the facts. So, clearly, they…
They should open a sub shop together and call it We can’t identify a photoshopped jersey Mikes’.
I read this not as satire of feminism but as satire of the Rosenberg Washington Post piece—that excusing an abhorrent position (child eating or anti-LGBTQ “morality clauses” in an employment contract) by saying “hey, but it’s great that a woman is doing something modern and non-traditional!” is ridiculous.
They're terrible.
These are not horrible moves. They aren’t likely to contribute enough to affect their draft position, and if they do they get traded. If they convince Machado to sign then that helps too. They fulfill the league rule of having 25 players on the 25 man roster without forcing them to over-promote minor leaguers who are…
Duh, Katherine, clearly it’s because he is crass.
Also: What the fuck is up with all the homophobic comments in this thread against Graham? All this “Miss Lindsey” shit, etc.
This was actually an ad for their new sitcom, “Triumph of the Will and Grace.”
Do you like...not know any sports fans in person?
That got intense pretty fast.
Everyone at the game knew what he was doing the second he reached under that pad and they fucking loved it. It was a fun bit of fan service and the entire fox broadcast crew can be sewn together in a human centipede ouroboros and eat shit forever for all I care.
That took some work. I like it.
“Aw, c’mon, your honor! So I threw a dildo. The guy next to me was yelling ‘SHIT!’ the whole game and nobody arrested him!”
I’ve often said S-Town was a podcast that didn’t need to be a podcast. NPR teased & promoted S-Town as a story about a town that was so corrupt that a murder had been completely glossed over in favor of protecting the powerful. THAT was the story I wanted to hear and it wasn’t the story they delivered. Yes, McLemore…
As a scholar of the Deadspin comment section, I am shocked this isn’t in the mid 300's by now. Nice work!