Sound And Pippen

yup ;)

I don’t know; sorry. Here’s a Dick pic

She made the home alone face when he took his pants off

My go to line is either Emily Dickinson or “I put on my robe and wizard hat”

When Milwaukee sends its white people, they’re not sending their best.

They should’ve done Chicago hot dog chips instead of deep dish pizza chips. The thing that most distinguishes Chicago style deep dish is the deep fucking dish, without that it’s not different from any other pizza flavored chip.

Last Podcast On The Left

I named my condo The Crystal Cat Palace, is that bad?

...Gustav Courbet’s famously explicit lush vulva painting, “L’Origine du Monde,” a close-up view of a supine woman’s genitals, thighs and abdomen.


Lookin for that sweet Rule 34 of Flo from Alice.  I’d kiss those grits.

I feel personally attacked

Now playing

and Seth Meyers had the best take on this

How about not “black people” but “the blacks”?

Now it’s “arrogant.”  Obama was called arrogant by so many goddamn people that knew they couldn’t get away with “uppity.”

Biden called Al Sharpton to apologize for this quote, Sharpton replied “I take a bath every day.”

...your diet has a greater effect than what you eat