Sound And Pippen


I can literally see that woman’s panties, on the left.

Needs to melt the wall. Plot demands wall comes down, perhaps the dragon does it? I don’t like it either, but I’m afraid that’s what they might go with.

Roses are red,

said he’d made a mistake, that he wasn’t into “gay shit”

One of the guys my (now ex-) wife was cheating on me with called to tell me about the other guy.


You sound like a horrible person.

So not all bad.

Ask not WHOMST the head rolls for,

So you’re saying those might not be bus seats?

This is shit.

You gotta admit that music really brought home the sad depravity of the situation.

I love cakes and shakes, and I loved like the first few sips of the cake shake and then I was over it. Bad texture, a waste of cake.

The shark has been conspicuously silent. What are they hiding?