
Well. At least twitter is still around in 11 years.

I've had that happen to me, too. If you take it to the Apple store, they should just hook you up with a new one. They did for me, even though my warranty was expired.

It's funny. Today I found a drawing I did when I was in probably kindergarten or first grade .. and I spelled 'Nevada' the exact same way as you. I promise I'm not trying to be mean, or anything, but It is just such a weird coincidence to see 'Navada' twice in the same day.

Short answer? Always.


That couldn't look worse, brah.

I've been interested in starting a record collection for a while, but I don't know where to begin in terms of the actual player itself. Anyone have any recommendations? I'd like something with built-in speakers, if possible. My apartment isn't really suitable for anything external.

I thought it was either Newt Gingrich or Thomas Edison ...? Polar opposites, but I couldn't tell for sure.

I do not understand this game. It's level of nerdery is too advanced for me. :(

Weird. I just heard about this today in my consumer behavior class. Those things look gnarlier than I imagined.

I made it to February 8th. Then I was bored. Meh.

I don't know about you guys, but I want a subscription to American Topographic magazine. (I think it's great how they come up with little, clever changes to the other universe)


Everyday I'm shufflin' ...

I want one that changes pictures. That would be rad.

Wait, what? You can do that with a PSP? o.0

Oh, I know. I'm just sayin'. That looks like it would get dirty fast.

I'd totally get one if I could get a color besides white. My case is almost done for anyway.

I love all the people going crazy about this article, saying it is poorly researched .. and then citing wikipedia.

That shit cray.