I would totally get one of those for a pet, if I could.
I would totally get one of those for a pet, if I could.
I tried Spotify for two months at the premium level. It definitely was not worth the price. I don't use it at all any more. I think it is over rated, personally.
40.458679,93.31314 might be a Chinese burning man festival..?
Greatest Of All Time
I used to LOVE that game. Damn. That was some good time wasting ..
Snow in Portland, snow in Portland, snow in Portland .. come on!!
The Dark Knight had a villain cameo in it. The Scarecrow was in the beginning of the movie ..
I got that one. It was actually really good. And I'd be tired of the Ravens and 'Skins games too. I'm not a fan of either of those teams.
Shit, I wish I got to watch the Green Bay/Chicago game. In Portland we're always in the Seattle market so we get the Seahawks/Cards.
The thing I miss most about Nirvana? Having Dave Grohl on drums. Yeah, I know he's done other drum work, but whatevs. It isn't the same.
Chartreuse - the only liquor so good they named a color after it.
My bad*
Try: "Be thankful for the good things in your life." I'm not religious either, but I still understood the point of the message.
When I try to refresh cydia, it comes back with some messages saying it failed to fetch certain packages. And I also can use pkgbackup that i bought right before updating. Awesome.
This game is pretty fun, but right now I can't get past the Golem. Its kinda frustrating. Haha
Monopolopticon ..? Bentham would be proud.
This would be fucking awesome. Having diabetes sounds terrible. Hopefully they get it to work.