Chris Dyer

It would appear two things are with the internet. One, sarcasm doesn't translate. Two, people are assholes. Aside from that, it seems to be working well.

Hey, Foo2rama, you don't have to be a dick.

Is it really the motorcyclist fault? I don't know what country this was in, nor what the traffic laws are there, however, I live in California and that's perfectly legal. I'm sure California isn't the only place on Earth where lane splitting by motorcycles is legal. Keep in mind, I'm not saying it's smart or safe, but

This is a lot more interesting than bunch of Subarus.

This pretty much ruins it for me: Toyota Camry. Any vintage.

OMG! I couldn't agree more! I have a Boxster, the top is only up when it's raining, and since I live in NorCal, that's not very often. It's strangely offensive to me too; people who live here buy convertibles due to the near perfect climate… then they never put their tops down. WTF??

You're not alone. I would actually buy one if I had that kind of money.

Between these two cars? I would just keep walking.

So it seems like everyone thinks the news station filled in the parts that would be black with a zoomed in portion of the guys video. Maybe that is what's going on, and yes, filming vertically should be illegal. I just wouldn't think a news station would make the effort to do what you're saying it did. ;)

Um… He did film it in landscape, they just highlighted the middle section so the action is more visible.

You're just jealous.

Um… is it just me or does anyone else here happen to notice that the majority of the cars on this list aren't supercars. In fact, Jalopnik themselves posted an article about that not too long ago. Just because a car wears an Italian badge (or anything else considered exotic) doesn't mean it's a supercar. Hell, it

For me, it's the Miura. I'm a HUGE Ferrari and Porsche fan, and both the Ferraris and the 356 are striking, amazing cars. They're not beautiful though. They're cool. Jaguar has made at least one beautiful car, but not the one you have chosen. While the one you have chosen has glorious humps, something about it looks

I'm sorry, but why is someone who "isn't a car guy" writing for a f***ing car blog??? Anyway, you have a pretty strange sense of beauty. All the cars you showcased are awesome cars, I think most everyone would agree with that. But I think only three of them at best could be considered beautiful. Personally, I only

I have left my number on cars that I wanted to buy, but I've never received a phone call in response. However, a friend of mine has actually bought a car this way. He left a note on an old 1967 Porsche 911T. He got a phone call about four months later and bought the car. Interestingly, if I remember correctly, Mick

Kurt, it sounds like we're roughly the same build, I'm 5'11" and 238. I had a real hard time driving the BMW Z3 Coupe, which sucks because I was looking to buy the M Coupe version of that. Never meet your heroes. I've driven many 964's and E30's, they both suit me fine. My preference is the 964, but I'm very much a

I think all three of these are great cars, so regardless of what you're final decision is, you can't go wrong - you'll end up with a fantastic car.

I absolutely ALWAYS separate them. Without asking. I frequently travel for work, so I usually stop in a Target, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, whatever's handy, stroll to the hardware section, find a pair of wire cutters, then cut that stupid braided steel cable. When I turn the car in, I always have both keys, and I just say

I know lots of really hard working people who don't make that kind of money. Just because you don't make millions doesn't mean you're not willing to work hard. That's a pretty d-bag thing to assume that people aren't willing to work hard because they don't make a lot of money.

It's not illegal to mount an aftermarket GPS in your windshield here, provided it's on the left or right hand side. It can't be mounted in the middle of your windshield.