
I take offense to the Mitsubishi Montero being excluded.

How is this NOT a Land Cruiser question.

Hah; i wanted to do this with my Jeep at one point. (obviously it’d be fully custom, on the inside) Small rendering above of my old Laredo in extended mode.

I think its overdone, as SOOOO many of these rigs are becoming these days. No shoutout to the overland kinda Andrew?

“Oh yeah, that’s what I forgot: my house!” - Jim Gaffigan on RV camping

I once made a joke about my brother in law, but it fits here as well:

Based on absolutely nothing, we have chosen Harvard! If only there were some sort of institute out there specializing in these kinds of things...

Do they honestly expect to build an Autonomous system with only a single semester’s tuition?

You should try being Canadian.

It kinda sucks living in the us and being Russian, every time I read something interesting that takes place there or try to share something about my life, that's all I see. I mean it's not the worst possible thing, but you do feel just a bit shittier.

Got my clean, triple locked 96 with 187k miles for $3500 back in 2011.

My dream of getting a steal on an FJ62 or FJ80 for my next vehicle is becoming less and less likely with every one of these posts.

No just no.

Toyota Hilux. Because this.

Somewhere between flooding the cabin with exhaust and brake failure on a downhill grade during an ice storm.

Even worse was that people developed a strange habit of accumulating any car parts that were available whether they needed them or not.

It amazes me that there are still people who think the USSR was some perfect thing, and they want it to come back... Granted the US isnt perfect... but this just seems like hell

Sorry, I had to...

I can assure you, Sir, we’ve been using Toyotas as war vehicles for quite some time now.