
To paraphrase a wise woman, one would think that would be the easiest part of one’s day


I saw that a lot in people talking about the recent Naya Rivera story about her abortion. There were a lot of people on the People article basically saying “It’s fine she had the abortion...but does she really have to talk about it so publicly?”. Yes, yes she does because of people like you...

Man, talk about a blast from the past. I still remember being shocked at how many people were in the “I’m pro-choice but it’s a horrible shameful secret that she should have taken to the grave” camp.

I support abortion because you don’t want to be pregnant and have a baby. Period. I hate when supporters defend abortion by saying that a woman agonizes over the decision, it’s a “last resort” that needs to be there, it’s a magical prevention of poverty, etc. Women don’t need to explain abortion. It's our right.

Witty, insightful, true, and incisive. I wanna be her friend.

Free Abortion on Demand!

I only recently realized that when we play Good Abortion, Bad Abortion everyone loses. I never consciously thought anyone had a bad reason for getting one, but by rhetorically relying on hypotheticals involving health problems, or multiple kids, I see now that I was implying that some women earned their abortions. The

No. I’m making them mandatory. Even for men.

It is why it is so important to repeat: On-demand, no questions asked, no judgement, for all women. Full stop. No caveats, no buts, no verbal hedging.

Hell yes! 👏🎉 Abortions for everyone!!

There was a post here less than a year ago I believe, in which a woman, having had an incomplete miscarriage, had to have a D&C. She referred to the D&C as “basically an abortion” and a lot of people got quite irate, which I never got.

I support abortion for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. End of.

Holy shit, glad I wasn’t on Jezebel in ‘10. I support abortion for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. End of.

I’m sure people would be JUST as outraged if a person live tweeted a similar basic medical procedure...

I mean... isnt it kind of like a miscarriage?? physically at least...

Twitter had been around for four years at that point — it wasn’t exactly new.

Thank you for sharing that! Couldn’t read all the comments in the article just to avoid rage hurling, but the video really did comfort me. Knowing that abortion isn’t this nightmare to travel miles for and go through the hurdles of someone else’s idea of morality just to pay $$$ and end up in a scary knife-y room is a

Yeah that was a disturbing read and thankfully that was 2010... Bc that's now the Jezebel I know, I also think people are actually seeing the value of Twitter now, some of those comments were freakin weird one commenter said she should of wrote a pamphlet instead? Wha???

I know some people were very, very upset that she compared the physical process to a miscarriage.