
Are you actually that insane or just misogynistic asshole?

Would you call a Nazis community?

Violence against women is extremely serious and should be treated as such, not as canary in coal mine, implying that killing women is ok, but it is wrong if that leads to killing men-that is the real tragedy.

I agree with you 100%. Just imagine any other movement, for example Black lives matter saying rubbish like White supremacy hurts whites too! White rights are only about hating black people, but that is a shame because white have their problems and they are also oppressed.

I remember you saying that in one thread about some radical feminist from second wave and her slut shaming comments. One of your comments was that rape has nothing to do with clothes, but catcalling and sexual harassment does, because if you are attention whore you are getting yours. So it is pretty hypocritical of

And to add, off course like a normal decent person I know that no woman “deserves” to be raped, catcalled or harassed. She doesn’t provoke that, she is never at fault for her abuse. But like a normal person I think that for catcalling and sexual harassment too. And responding to slut shaming with nuns get raped too is

IMO any person who ignores women who are victims of domestic violence is misogynistic. There is no way around it. And people who think that solution is that you separate violent men from their families are not far away from women hating. Anybody who cares about women and their human rights would want a strong

Just to add, this point of view is depressingly often expressed on Jezebel by so called “feminists”. I remember some article about man beating up woman in front of their child, and some “feminist” on Jezebel was saying that it is not that awful when a man tries to kill/beat up women and that he doesn’t have to go to

Like I said go to any site and you will have men bragging about beating up/abusing/raping their girlfriend, on sites like reddit you have manuals to tell them how to do it.

Like I said that is the problem, it should be more than enough and serious that women suffers, in this way you are saying Well if other people(men) are not hurt, then it is totally ok to beat/kill women.

There are articles/blogs about enslaving women, raping them etc, there are instruction manuals who teach pedophiles how to rape little girls, but this is what sets you off? oh, I forgot it is violence against men, that is important, even though people say those things everyday about women. You could go to any site

Yes, but at the same time I despise the notion that we should care about violence against women, only when others are in danger too.

it is funny coming from you, I remember your rape apologist/victim blaming comments that women deserve to be catcalled/sexually harassed when they are not modestly dressed, but it is not okay to rape them. Oh how kind are you, you are giving a green light to men to just sexually harass and catcall women who they deem

But rape is never the victims fault.

Accusing women of man hating, while using woman hating slurs! The irony is delicious with this men. :D

Most women will say that they were sexually assaulted multiple time in their lives. So there can’t be just few men doing this, most men ARE sexually harassing/assaulting, and until we acknowledge this, there is no point in feminism. We are not here to coddle males, we are here to speak the truth, which is what we are

Women ARE NOT putting themselves in a harm, and boys will be boys is typical victim blaming excuse, so what is men victims going to solve there? People will not victim blame or slut shame male rape victims, that is right, but they will still do that with female victims, so you are offering no more solution, just more

Women ARE NOT putting themselves in a harm, and boys will be boys is typical victim blaming excuse, so what is men victims going to solve there? People will not victim blame or slut shame male rape victims, that is right, but they will still do that with female victims, so you are offering no more solution, just more

Women ARE NOT putting themselves in a harm, and boys will be boys is typical victim blaming excuse, so what is men victims going to solve there? People will not victim blame or slut shame male rape victims, that is right, but they will still do that with female victims, so you are offering no more solution, just more

We have more then adequate paid maternity leave in Europe, and feminists are already complaining that it is a trap to keep women from working. And I believe it is, employers are much more reluctant to hire a woman if they have to pay for her to be gone for one year or two. So unfortunately maternity leave would make