

It’s not parents in general or moms. Men have to solve this problem. Men have to stop paying MRAs and PUAs to tell them they are entitled to love/sex. Men have to loudly reject people like Jordan Peterson when they state sex is the only thing preventing them from going berserk on humanity. Men have to talk to their

Stop using his name. Just call him the ass hole. One reason people do this is to become famous. Stop giving them that. Don’t report names. Just call them what they are, ass holes.

This. I am part of a couple of online Suicide survivors groups for parents, I lost my 16 year old daughter two years ago. Dylan Klebolds mother had the fucking audacity to become a member of one group. She then told us how her son had been victimized, that he was a sweet quiet young man, AND THEN TRIED RO SELL US HER

How well do parents know the real self of any troubled teenager, whether it’s a teen who struggles with depression or homicidal rage?

Yeah well, I bet Hitler’s parents said the same thing about him when he was younger. He still grew up and become a piece of shit. Same with every other genocidal maniac in history.

Oh fuck off, Dana.

Absolutely. I can’t believe it’s 2018 and we’re still citing trench coats as a shorthand for murdering. I bet Marilyn Manson’s ears are burning.

I think that what you’re missing is that these people often have issues with their peers because they’re angry and entitled. You’re assuming that they started off normal and were warped by poor treatment, but I don’t think that is frequently the case.

Being provoked is often seen as a mitigating factor, sometimes even legally. The shooter may feel that the rejection provoked the attack, but the media shouldn’t validate those feelings.

If your kid becomes a mass murderer, the proper response is to apologize to the victims, say you didn’t see it come but wish you had and make no further comment. On the opposite end, what you absolutely don’t do is blame it on other people. “Oh, he was bullied at school.” Fuck you dude.


I’ve read other reports that he posted violent messages online and said threatening things to classmates.

So the whole “missed warning signs” thing makes no sense when you’re *also* blaming the victims for avoiding the kid waving more red flags than a Chinese military parade. Remember, the classmates are supposed to ignore their natural instincts and make nice with the creepy kid or else they’re “bullies” who brought

Most of this is crap. Actually, very few mass shooters were loners or outcasts at all. The Columbine shooters, for example, both had a group of friends. Neither of them were bullied, and very few mass shooters display signs of debilitating mental illness before committing violence. Dylan was depressed, Eric wasn’t.

Himpathy in action

The “shooter was bullied” narrative comes straight from Columbine, where it’s been totally debunked.

The only victims here are the actual people that were shot. He wasn’t a “sweet quiet boy”, he was old enough to get a gun that should have been locked up and deliberately murdered people.

Welp, the Pagourtzis family can cling to their false narrative as they decend into financial oblivion and permanent social pariah status from all the wrongful death lawsuits caused by their lil ‘ol Stillwell Angel.