I'm sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Riddle me this - WHY do they initiate though?
This doesn't surprise me, sadly.
This is TRUTH right here.
"Do you want me to take out the trash?" is my biggest pet peeve. Oh no, please don't. I was saving that trash and really looking forward to taking it out myself.
It's one thing to understand why they're like that. And I don't see anyone contradicting any of the reasons you offer as to why they tend to be.
This is unfortunately how most men are raised, to drain women.
Sounds like my ex. Sad trombone.
My boyfriend once asked if I wanted a hand taking the recycling out. I said yes and his response was 'oh... I wasn't expecting you to say yes... I don't really want to.' At least he pretended he wanted to help, I suppose.
He sounds like and adult baby. He may be more useful to you in a childsupport providing role.
To be fair, that rose colored tint looks fab with your hair tho.
I initiated the divorce to my husband after he moved across the country to be with some alcoholic skank he met at a bar. I wouldn't be surprised if most of those women initiating divorces are in similar situations. If I hadn't started and finished all the paperwork he wouldn't have done a damn thing to divorce me.…
The alternate read still translates to "men are garbage monsters". What self-respecting woman, dealing with illness, also wants to deal with a garbage monster who's clearly a taker?
It's also only a 6% increase in divorce rate compared to marriages where neither spouse is sick... so about one in seventeen marriages where the wife is sick will divorce when they wouldn't have otherwise.
Yeah, really dude! You got a tongue, use it! Quit whining and get down there!
Working in healthcare, I'm always shocked when I witness a husband/male partner putting in the same amount of caregiving that the average wife/female partner does. It's not unusual for a wife to have a little notebook with notes from all doctor's visits/consults/hospitalizations and a print-outs of all prescriptions…
Men are selfish and not dependable. More at 11.
I think this is more about male partners who don't even show up to pretend to help.
Just go full-lesbian. Guys are shitty.
I wonder how many of these ill women initiating divorce cite infidelity. Not pointing fingers, just wondering.