D Anderson

I’m not an editor, but I would love as an exercise for anyone saying his movies should be a full 40, 45 minutes shorter to go through and try to cut stuff out. I’m not saying it would be impossible, but I think you might find that you’d lose rhythm and characterization and the movies wouldn’t necessarily even feel much

I disagree slightly only in that it’s irrelevant to you (and completely irrelevant to his being murdered.) Sorry, I don’t mean that to sound snark.y.

It hits home for me because I spent nine months in jail for being a shitty human being. That was two years ago. I had to call the suicide hotline twice to make it here,

And what about the version that Jason Mamoa drank seven gallons of Mountain Dew and played air guitar to as he watched?

It’d have to be some kind of period piece, because if you do it modern day you’re making a movie about drug dealers where, canonically, the movie Scarface does not exist, and that’s just science fiction. 

He’s still constantly getting big supporting roles (Batman, Harry Potter, Horrible Bosses,The Gentlemen, Artemis Fowl, Dumbo, etc) in projects big and small, because people figured out with In Bruges he is a fantastic character actor instead of a traditional leading man. You have to let him him be weird or crazy

I get that, but the rise of difficulty sliders is a relatively painless way to allow players to customize their difficulty AND has the bonus of keeping a game fresh. Shifting various inflections has gotten me to replay Dishonored 2 a few times

Yeah I think complaining about a developer’s creative and directive choices is silly. If they included an easy mode, that’s on them, and if they didn’t, that’s OK too. I don’t think every game needs to be accessible if making it that way compromises the integrity of the game. 

I’d blame Jason for this, but I think he only cancels games people care about.

I think it might be the opposite thing happening. The animators are using professional reference monitors that cost upwards of $10 grand and have stupidly accurate colors and refresh rates. So their versions probably look amazing before they get slapped into a digital projector or a screenshot on a normal screen.

Am I the only one that is getting tired of younger generations giving their opinion on games as if they were around when they were initially released?

I’ll engage.

If you think you can judge from a 7-line request that someone needs ‘tough love’, you should not be playing this game.

A brief message, without context, can seem insulting. That’s why they specify *a letter*, rather than *an e-mail*.

I worked at a food company that sold specialty food through Amazon. We were constantly at risk of going out of business based on what changes Amazon decided to roll on us, whether it was refusing to buy product at the price we had set, or creating new digital requirements seemingly designed just to be missed and apply

I’m enjoying this phase of Cage’s career where the films he’s taking are completely embracing his eccentricities. It’s clear he’s not leading man/action hero material (National Treasure being the exception) but if you need a lunatic to dress up in a bear suit and sucker punch someone, he’s your guy.

That’s easy: 2011's Jack & Jill.

It's really Schreier with a photoshopped Zack face. Zack running the contests has always been a long game leading to this delay. 

at this point we really have to admit that the neckbeards may be racist, and sexist, and they may in fact be actual nazis, who are wrong about any number of things, but they were right about phone games being shit

“I found King of Comedy to be like watching Curb Your Enthusiasm without the humor.”

That’s what I find watching Curb Your Enthusiasm to be like. 

Or she's glad the princess doesn't have a boyfriend