
In a sense, yes!

Alex Graves is gone? But now who will horribly fail to understand or convey interpersonal relationships and sexuality?

The "real deal" with Waylon Smithers is that he's 34, single, and currently resides in Springfield. Thank you for writing!

Dack, I think you're missing the possibilities of rastafying him by about 15%, and making sure he gets biz-zay, thoroughly and consistently!

oh no! what happened? the last i'd heard, you had a cute little thing going on with another guy at your school, including the occasional near-threesome!

No! I got a cock ring and a broken anal bead, but….

Can I go now?

Wig-SPHERE. Idiot. Who are you, Nathan Rabin?

I'm going to agree with you - partly. I liked the original Sagan Cosmos better, not just for the live-action rather than animated historical bits, but also for the way it was able to plunge deep into a subject, without commercial breaks sucking up 1/4 of the allotted time.

And that's the problem. We've gone from ol' Daniel Patrick Moynihan's formulation that "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts" to a politics where one party will actively DENY any fact, no matter how conclusively demonstrated, that doesn't directly support their agenda and previously

That's what this was? I thought it was the strangest advertisment for loose asian women I'd ever seen.

Tony Abbott? Is that you?

I always get weepy thinking of Sagan. I met him when I was five and wanted nothing more than to be an astronomer when I grew up. Just a really, really excellent human being.

And yet, you know, it was a scaled-back, nearly-cancelled-for-budgetary-reasons shadow of the original "grand tour" plan which would have sent a separate, "Voyager"-class probe to each planet, capable of doing a flyby or sling-shotting its way along.

It tied for first in the "key" demographic last week, with the global warming ep.

unfortunately, as an actual bassist with a lovely warwick, it doesn't. younger wood is going to be softer, so depending on the wood, it might have a slightly softer tone, but would also be less shatter-y on stage…


No, there's fairly clear implications that LF did a lot of what we'd now call "sovereign wealth fund" investing. Not clear at all that he was doing much in the way of extensive foreign borrowing. One would imagine Tyrion would remark on that in the books when he's trying to figure out the ledgers LF left behind, when

For fuck's sake, it's not a book spoiler if you can't even remember whether something's in the books…

Well, if you've both agreed you're into rape fantasy-play beforehand, it does…