
Man, George Clinton's funk mythology got WEIRD after "Atomic Dog"…

Frankly, I'm still shocked they never insist on calling themselves "The Party of Teddy Roosevelt" when they're attacked for selling drilling rights in national parks.

But stupid sub-plots need the most attention!

'Elp! 'Elp! I'm being repressed!

You… Disgust me.

The scene with teh well-hung masseuse still has @avclub-cac8e812b45670f94d5231d277575459:disqus feeling inexplicably threatened and inadequate.

Probably coz Zeke sold him drugs.


Oooh, you're no regular potato chip… Coz that was SPICY!

I loved that drawing, of a Maniacal Breathed threatening to shove his creations overboard his expensive speedboat if they don't pay

Indeed it was.


Are there expensive headphones that are better than less-expensive headphones? Yes yes a thousand times yes.

Well, the other possibility is a third, "compromise" candidate… Or, for instance, Selina's team running the numbers and telling their electors "vote for Tom James" to seal a win, even though it'd mean giving the white house to someone who wasn't actually on the ballot for the office.

I don't think you understand that A) even if he doesn't get it, Ianucci is working with a team that includes plenty of people who DO, and B) that this show, when it so chooses, is operating on more a "graduate-level political science" level than the "high school civics" level that seems to be the upper level of

Sigh. So much shitty improv out there. Though I will say, when you have a good instructor and class, they can be a lot of fun. I actually really enjoyed them as a way of just keeping on my toes and having SOME way to stimulate different parts of my mind after spending forty hours a week in a fucking office chair under

Honestly, though I loved the concept and execution, I kind of think at this point she's at her weakest when doing material along the lines of "Oh, let's make fun of my looks to make a point about how much looks matter in entertainment, even though I'm in the third season of a highly successful basic-cable show."

I got an alert about senior New York Senator Charles "Chuck" Schumer for this?

Ya didn't even refrigerate it, ya spineless crab!

More like KILLodeth, amirite?