
Speaking of man-flesh, what's the name of that blonde actor playing the gay pimp-whore?

By the way, really enjoyed "Silicon Valley" on HBO, though I think it suffers from being sandwiched in between GoT and Veep, which are both much more intense than Judge's lackadaisical style.

Man, that's rough. I can offer two services: 1) sympathy and condolences, or 2) making you feel better about your life relative to an even worse situation in mine.

Did you know that Earwigs have neither ears nor wigs?

To be fair, I'm pretty sure Patrick Stewart did spend the late 80's and early 90's getting laid. Because A) he was still Patrick fucking Stewart, and B) he was the lead character of the single biggest nerd entertainment vehicle of the time.

Whenever you want to insult a nationality, that's the formulation to go to. Like the Dutch: "Dike-poking windmill tenders!"

GET…. OFF…. MY… LAWN!!!!!!


Electric JUNK.

I prefer to imagine that it was a "covert" operation of the US Gov't… the sort of thing that is never legal, but also isn't functionally "illegal" unless the gov't finds it convenient to shut it down/hide it…. And given the "mystery" phone call Mallory makes to get them off the hook, I think that's what Reed is


As the Android Bishop said to…

That was the subtext… "IT MAKES YOU STRONG ENOUGH TO LIFT A CAR!!!"

Yeah, how did that work out for ya?

Indeed… When do we find out what beloved commenter Chu is?

Your mistake was calling up customer service and saying "You know what I want? I want you to fuck me in the ass."

Actually, why don't YOU buy me a beer.

Eh, it was a little bit too "horror movie cliche" for my tastes.

I'm much more interested by Rust's handling of the situation.

Me too!