
Would you like Crab Juice, or Mountain Dew?

It's a fantastic, heartwarming story of American gumption and entrepreneurship, as a lame, boring, public-sector employee takes his life in his own hands and builds a business empire, thwarting oppressive federal regulations at every turn! It's what Ayn Rand always wished "Atlas Shrugged" could be!

Pfft. Pitt the Elder? Beh.

The fuck? Why did that post as dwsNY?

"potato" is a funny word. It's also funny that the potato resulted in the deaths of thousands of irishmen!

Hey Marge, remember when we used to make out to this hymn?

That's what I was going to say — the periodic years-long winter that strangles the life out of 90% of crop and pasture-lands and buries all transportation routes under mountains of snow would probably make it hard to create a sustained course of technological development.

Oh, sure, blame the gays for beheading Ned Stark.

Everything that happened last season was a dream.

Seriously? What, do you work on The Simpsons or something? How can any sane, rational person with any awareness of high-quality TV, let alone the past history of The Simpsons find dreck like tonight's episode anything above a "C" in either absolute or relative terms? I mean… Unless they work on the show and were so

You were born too late to see "The Simspson" in its original run of good episodes, weren't you?

"To brush up on Google Glass, I looked it up… on Bing! Unlike Fox, Dennis don’t play corporate synergy."

That should be the slogan of Disqus.

Is there any other kind?

It's as close as i'll get.

If I can fuck a guy with a full-back dragon tat, I think I can manage. My penis may be racist, but it's not discriminating, shall we say.

a) yes, what lovely eyes
b) no, gtfo because you're a horrible person who does not deserve cuddles
c) thankfully, i don't smoke, so I can afford to save up

That baby was gonna kill him!

That's it, I'm moving.

Jiminy Jillickers!