
Perpetually pre-pubescent boys do cry?

I had been enjoying the Fox News coverage of the 2012 presidential election, and was on tenterhooks waiting to see Karl Rove's impeccable mathematical skills overcome the tension of that second-act reversal with Obummer suddenly racking up within spitting distance of a win. But then some asshole Demon-crat friend of

That's not what I said and dammit, you know that!

Works for me!

This is what our comments sections have come to?

I thought that was saliva, and it was a "frothing at the mouth" reaction…

Sigh. I know Houston's dining scene has improved somewhat, especially with the profusion of excellent vietnamese places and texas fusion… But goddamn it depresses me sometimes to remember what sterile, chain-controlled wastelands most of my fellow Americans live in…

Wait, that sounded bad…


Make that two pies for me - I loved Tyrion's observation about the post-spectacular value of a pie with live birds flying out of it…

Awww you just made me miss David Caruso!

Maybe they were whitefish?


Give in to temptation!

Wait, Cheryl's a scientist now?

"No, just more of a discomfort zone."

Fuck, man. Between that, Rob Ford, and Justin Bieber, Canada has really just gone down the shitter, eh?

Pfft. Try telling that to GoT newbies. "Wait, you mean GRRM hasn't written how the series ended yet, and you experts don't know who will wind up on the iron throne? WELL THANKS FOR SPOILING THAT FOR US, ASSHOLES!"

I wanted to say…. Burt Reynolds?

Oh, that's a typo…