
Save it for 4/9ths of the Supreme Court!

The fact that you call it treason tells me you're not ready.

I think you mean J. Edna.

Ah ah ah! You said the magic word!

It should surprise absolutely no one that yes, I would read that.

Oy. I think it must be you're getting burnout, or just never really "got" the show. Gee, the characters have consistent qualities? Yeah, that's a real problem there…. I know I most enjoy sitcoms and comedies wherein the characters act like completely different people every episode. If you don't like the characters,

And how!

^^^^ This.

YOU three little faggots are going to get up on stage, and YOU three little faggots aren't going to stop me! Ha ha!

FUCK! Even in the FUTURE, Disqus logins don't work!

I don't deserve this kinda shabby treatment!

Hey hey! I'm talking Krusty!
Here comes Slideshow Mel! Sideshow. Sideshow Mel.
hehehehehey hey! badda bing, badda boom, learn from a pro, kid.


Never mind. Back to fuckton.

Yeah, but you know, you can call number four "the jelly babies doctor", and he'd still count toward the number of regenerations you can have…

Oi! It was just an idea! And also, I don't know, his mind gets wiped or something after he realizes he has to do it… Or maybe he's always known what he needed to do, but he had to make it look like a surprise!

Me too! Fuck! Even in the FUTURE nothing works!

Yeah, I was having the same problem in Firefox… but then when I tried again on Chrome after doing that in Firefox, everything was copacetic! Hey, Wait… No it's not! Now I'm back to dwsNY! AUGH! This really is like some sort of Doctor Who-related timeline-fucking tie-in!

Eh, I'd go the other way 'round… NuDisqus has fucked up a lot more things than the new website, which just has some bugs to be worked out…

Oi! Nice to know it's you, Mr Fhtagn!