
That's a beautiful thought, @disqus_E3BL3JAZxb:disqus

Oy maybe I just overslept it being fixed temporarily, but I'm right back to fuck city right now…

But they come with free sprinkles!

wait, what browser are you using? I still can't get my idiotking login to "stick" (ie i can click to login… i can put in my name and pass, and it appears to go through… and drops me back in the site logged OUT!)

Mmmm… Cake!

Don't worry, everyone! I tweeted at Josh Modell!

Though I'd kind of love it if he developed/found a weapon CALLED "The F-Bomb". Would be a nice nod to Malcolm Tucker.

What @Opera_Punk:disqus said. The 11th Doctor may have a clear conscience now, but he and his predecessors did have 400 years of suffering the personal cost, which can leave a bit of a mark, so to speak. Maybe not as deep of one as we'd come to accept, but frankly, if it ends the "lonely god" last of the time lords

'nae worries, friend, your first two posts there DID nearly sound like obsessive fanboy trolling, hence my rather sharp response. When you made clear what your real target was though, it was a lot easier to understand what went before.

Hey, if you have two choices: 1) come up with justification for enjoyable show doing whatever the fuck it just did so I can keep enjoying, or 2) come up with reason why what enjoyable show just did makes absolutely no sense in the context of the show so that I'll always be bothered by the way things don't work right….

*hugs* *brushes your mane* It's okay. I'm right there with ya.

Looking for consistency in Doctor Who is a fool's errand. Not unlike Star Trek, the premise ultimately involves *all* things being possible. Even the ones that you earlier said were the only things that *weren't* possible. At its worst, that can result in lazy deus ex machine, but at its best, it can be exhilarating,

I might be confused a bit, but I think she's busy with another popular TV serial…

Yes, but they're regenerations with horrible consequences for one's sanity.

Patrick Stewart as… The Bald Doctor


If his first line isn't sticking his head out of the TARDIS and saying "Come the fuck in or fuck the fuck off!" a great opportunity will have been missed.

Ice to meet you.

No, actually it makes you a grumpy YOUNG man so indoctrinated in the culture of the antihero, the hourlong dramas of pained ambiguity, and the fucking gritty reboot that you can't just enjoy something that is OPTIMISTIC and HOPEFUL.

Would the 9th really make sense as the War Doctor, since he a) seems to have regenerated pretty recently in 'Rose' (at least recently enough to be a bit surprised by his appearance), and b) calls himself The Doctor…