
Errr…. You mean since it was re-born ;)

FUCK DISQUS. Also, NuAVC. Seriously, I can't even login with my usual AVC username. I could barely friggin' load the site for whatever goddamn ad function kept getting in the way. There's no way for me to login with the fucking AVC login, so I'm going to be commenting angry… Is this Disqus's cute little fucking way to

Dear @avclub-8109c2c482264f96f8ac69a9a99db308:disqus: Please, do not feed the trolls.

David Crosby?

Hey, worked for Strom Thurmond!

Okay, that 50th show was fantastically fun! SPOILERS:

Yeah, ditto on the great news… Since i only very very very recently got into Doctor Who!


Do hamburgers eat people in "Rand McNally"?

I still hate you for that. *cues Frank Zappa*

The dreaded "Z"!

Well, @johnnygear:disqus, I think you're a fucking bot from Disqus sent here to make us feel all warm and fuzzy about our new Disqus overlords.

Two Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Already said it on the R.I.P thread, but let me reiterate and add:

While I understand where you're coming from about the 80's, it's worth remembering that beneath that godawful Reagan-era surface, there was a LOT of cool shit percolating underground and on the edges.

Pfft. Your teacher was kind of a tool, man. I mean, Victor Wooten can play some insane shit, but he's not averse to locking into a solid, simple groove when the song calls for it!

I'm calling it that from now on.

Fuckin' A, @avclub-99a379304ea29a25138acd09d4cea59f:disqus !  I can't even keep track of all the locations, and that's after friggin' reading the books AND obsessively watching the series.   I don't know whether I should be disappointed in my memory, or proud of the fact that my brain apparently thinks it has more

@avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus — do you really think it was the CGI thing?  I know sometimes directors will want to run in the other direction after one of those money shots, but sometimes I feel like "rushing to the next thing" is a chronic problem with this show… I understand they have a lot of

I. Revealed. NOTHING. I'm not even sure there's anything I *could* reveal about this if I *tried*.  Only thing I revealed is *my* impression of how much they could know or not know each other prior to Brienne joining Renly's guard… which pretty much boils down to "just b/c we meet characters for a first time doesn't