
The only make I’ve encountered that doesn’t seem to make a huge ordeal of the thing is Ford. While they still will try very very hard to find one built to your specifications that exists somewhere, even if it’s in Portland, Maine and you’re in San Diego, they won’t give you too much crap about letting you actually

Exactly. I’m a big dude with kids. I’m a GT car man.

If the owner of the Focus has some tools, they can subtract weight by removing the back seats and other bits themselves.

And assuming I wasn’t going to be using my track car as a real car I bet I could have a far superior track build for whatever this is going to cost.

I really don’t see the point in this... why would anyone pay for a non-practical Golf? Especially one that doesn’t really even make that much power. If I’m looking for a track focused, 2 seater w/ 300HP it sure as shit isn’t going to be a Golf. I’m with you, I’ll take an RS any day. Hell, I’d take the ST over this

Only on Jalopnik would 150 be suggested as being the threshold for being reckless. Well, possibly Dubai has a blogsite; but they’d probably suggest 200.

I thought you were going to say because it’s the first affordable electric car that isn’t goofy and fugly as hell.

There will be a follow up to this article when Doug sells his Aston to Tavarish for the price of a brand new Corolla.

No. They go to a nice race track upstate where they can run and be free and happy.

Yeah because these are exactly the same too.

Yeah, what if there was a car company that did that?

You mean like this?

The biggest factor is usually in vowel shifts. It’s been a while since I read up on the latest research, but linguists currently suspect we’re undergoing another big vowel shift. Depending on how quickly it occurs and how many varieties of English are affected, missing 50 years is plenty of time to result in you not

That’s fair, but a lot of us as enthusiasts prefer to spend that money on cars instead of travel. Not to say what you’re doing voids you of being an enthusiast of course, but this is the way many of us are. I myself have thoughts often among the line of: “hmm, I could spend 1-2k on a vacation that I’d enjoy for 1-2

Personally, I don’t really see the point of the Z/28 or the GT350R, I’d rather have myself a Corvette for that kind of money.

Side note. I’ve never received so many vaguely hostile replies to a simple question before. You’d think I wandered into a trump rally and asked how he’d pay for that wall

As a guy who appreciates British TV, but lives in America, and based purely on likability - I find Evans to be a smarmy bitch and LeBlanc pretty likable. I think Evans knows this is how he’s going to look next to LeBlanc and is not pleased.

This movie you’re talking about has never existed. The closest thing I can think of is Ocean’s 11, and that was pretty fun.

"Why buy this run-down european country when you can have this stealth super-bomber instead?"