
Putinism in America is dangerous. It’s been disastrous for marginalized people in Russia, and is beginning to destroy what’s left of America. To reject the New Russian ideology is not xenophobic, it’s actually pretty goddamned patriotic. The authoritarian regime that controls Russia (and the the territories they’ve

I’m a go ahead and throw this spicy take out there:  It’s not about the anthem and everybody knows it.

Let’s demilitarize the fucking cops, and then we can worry about pro sports.

You’re my favorite kind of person.  A hater of Deadspin who reads a lot of Deadspin.  I can’t wait for the day when you realize what a colossal tool you’ve been wasting your time on a site you dislike. 

I like white people one on one but as a group they leave a lot to be desired.

Most Brewers’ game attendees are from nearby Waukesha County. A hyper conservative, nearly all white, exurban dump also referred to as Walkersha County for it’s endless support of Scott Walker.

That’s the point.

Initial reports have PacMan avoiding the confrontation, grabbing something to eat, and then seeking out his attacker.

I think LA will be able to field a good, and quite likely excellent, team around LeBron. They may even win a ring or two!

I propose we have a new phrase for jumping the shark.

I basically agree with all this except for the bit about Spotify being forced to retract their decision to remove X’s and R. Kelly’s music.

I mean, to hell with them both. But you’re not about to have me rallying behind a moralistic outcry that begins and ends with black people. If they were serious about that

What is the over-under for the first Jerry Jones reference? 15 words?

Never forget: “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”

But lower taxes, AMIRITE!?

Guys I’m starting to think maybe it’s not really about the anthem.

But, like, can we have Wally as the main Flash?

“These ‘scars’ tell my history which include a dark time when I was in prison”

Iron Man (LeBron) almost had Thanos’s glove off, and Star Lord (J.R.) had to come in and screw it all up. The following massacre is all his fault.

Can we stop this shit? Can we stop with this “Wasn’t it great when we murdered each other over music battles” bullshit? No, no it wasn’t. Go say that shit to Biggie’s kid and see where it gets you.

I’m sure CTE has something to do with his behavior, but it would not surprise me in the slightest if Incognito was really, really into Alex Jones.