
It made less than Hotel Transylvania 3, but it made about the same as Hotel Transylvania 1. Successful animated movies build on themselves, the sequels to Spiderverse are going to do really really well thanks to how good this one was.

It took all of two months for Under Armour to realize the type of person Ussery was and fire him. There’s no way in hell Cuban and Mavs top brass were clueless after working with the guy for over 15 years.

No he didn’t.

Captain America gets name-dropped in Luke Cage.

Uhh, yes, she is shitty for that. They’re both shitty, you don’t have to pick a side.

Hardy got suspended, but the 6 game minimum rule wasn’t in place yet, so he was able to get it down to 4 because that was the precedent at the time. If he got suspended today, it would’ve been 6 games.

They’re not drinking his Kool-Aid, they’re scared of him. Those are two very different things.

So Arizona just had this kid sitting on the bench the first 4 games?

Jerry is full of shit and is absolutely bluffing. Unfortunately, I don’t think anyone will call his bluff.

Congratulations on reaching peak douchebag. It’s quite the accomplishment.

Dale Hansen is a fucking beast. Video is worth watching for that line alone. 

This is classic used car salesman Jerry. He can say he got all of his players to stand and also say he did more than any other owner, which is technically true. He got the best situation for him and only him.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve rewatched every season of Archer, but I still haven’t fucking started Narcos.

STFU. Nobody cares about your personal escapes asshole.

Anybody want to explain why Tennessee only had two guys back deep.

ESPN leadership is not so different than NFL leadership. It’s all corporate bullshit and cowardice.

That commercial is the first thing that came to my mind after reading the OP.

She was never formally suspended. People are saying that someone did tell her to take the day off though. Have no idea how true that is.

He didn’t have to, the NFL screwed up all on its own.

Yeah, this is about Elliot, his TRO decision is today, and this stood out as the most ridiculous of all the inconsistencies from the NFL.