
If The Athletic wants a less-obvious way to prevent people from commenting they should just switch to Kinja.

People think this guy is a genius because he “came up” with the ideas of “what if cars had batteries” and “space is cool”. He doesn’t do anything but fund actual smart people in these endeavors. What he, and other people like him, are actually good at is manipulation. He manipulates his employees into believing he’s

One thing I hate about writers is when they write something that causes a swift and broad backlash, and their defense is “You misunderstood what I meant,” as if that is a valid defense for a person whose job it is to convey ideas to third-parties via the written word. I write for a living, and if someone who is

People who use ellipsis like they’re just handed out for free by their investment bankers are gentrifiers.

Because a lot of the people who provide us this entertainment do not have the ability to escape society’s problems. They also have a very limited window in their lives to take advantage of their platform.

To your point, politics is also pretty annoying when you’re structurally discriminated against as black, latinx,

Some of the most important sports stories ever are important because of their intersection with politics. How do you tell a politics-free version of the story of Jackie Robinson, or the Munich Olympics?

Not everything does. But sometimes sports and politics (broadly defined) are going to intersect, and locking up when that happens like one of those fainting goats when it is frightened is worthy of derision. 

The X-men franchise fell off the rails after DoFP.  Perfect opportunity to recast.

They need to press the reboot button so hard on the X-men.

Are you sure you weren’t just watching it so you could go home and post contradictory comments on the internet?

In 2019 all domestic terrorism was committed by right wing people. Generally 70% of all domestic terrorism is committed by right wing people. So fuck you.

You sure learned your whataboutism propaganda well, racist. Fuck you and fuck everything you stand for. In 2019 all domestic terrorism was committed by right wing people. Generally 70% of all domestic terrorism is caused by right wing people. So fuck you.

And yet they don’t seem to have a problem with this site?

Hey, way to out yourself as a white supremacist!

Lol, fuck off with your whataboutism. Just look at how many people were murdered by white supremacists as opposed to black supremacists over the last 5 years.

The whole problem with much of the DC Cinematic Universe under his care is that he refuses to see the value in bringing dream worlds to life. 

Snyder does not have a point. Because his argument is “if you believe Batman doesn’t kill, you live in a dream world.” Except that dream world is called comic books. So trying to say “Hey, fanboy nerds, your comic books are stupid and you should wake up to the real world where your superhero murders people!” isn’t

This article could have been titled:

I’ve read this twice and I’m still not entirely sure what the point of this rant is. That people prefer comfort food over new stuff? Well, sure. That’s been the case since TV began. (And I’ll always have a Law & Order on when I’m doing chores.) Netflix wants people to stay home and watch Netflix? Well, duh. It’s hard

For a normal hire, it’s probably not desirable to do that sort of digging. For someone who is going to be your social media presence, I think knowing what their public social media looks like is pretty highly relevant.