Dadmom Angrypants

I thought Tenet was an absolute blast, and I genuinely feel sorry for anyone who couldn't enjoy it.

I like Twixt a lot. It isn’t a good movie by any stretch, but it’s memorably weird. It’s the only movie I can think of that includes a scene of Val Kilmer doing lame ad libs into a webcam and also a recreation of Gio Coppola’s death.

Yeah that was kind of putting a hat on a hat, right?

Wait, what? Finn doesn’t have much of an arc? The guy starts the movie trying to run away from the war and ends the film ready to commit suicide for the rebellion. His arc is very clearly about learning to care about things other than saving his own skin. Also, the Canto Bigt stuff isn’t pointless. It’s a chance to

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See Upgrade. It was the best Venom film of 2018 by miles and I wouldn't be surprised if it coat less than Venom’s catering budget.

Rogue One did two things I thought I’d never see in a Star Wars movie: It somehow made A New Hope better (by shutting the, as Family Guy put it, “Why don’t they just put some plywood over it?” plot hole of having a giant hole that you can use to blow up the Death Star), and finally, FINALLY showing the Rebellion

I’m what you would call an original Star Wars fan in that I was born in the ‘80s and raised on the movies. My crayon journals as a kid were filled with Star Wars (and Ninja Turtles), and I was lucky enough that an older kid was Toy Story 3 enough to give me all of his original Star Wars toys. I never got why anyone

I loved Rogue One and hopefully, this and The Last Jedi will pave the way for the direction of the post-Skywalker Star Wars stories. Hopefully between Rian Johnson/Filoni/Favreau and even Waititi...we’ll get a new take on what Star Wars can be.

*after The Last Jedi

I absolutely love this one.

From films like The Doors and The Salton Sea to Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, he’s always been one of my favorite actors. I’m stoked.

“I’ve got all five senses and I slept last night. That puts me six up on all of you.”

Other than the fact that my high school buddy’s name is Vincent, this is basically my life.

Other than all the details this is basically my life.

Other than having a steady job and at least one friend, this is basically my life.

Holy shit. If this turned into a backdoor sequel series to Brick, I would be 100% in.

Well, I’m glad he decided to become a teacher after the brutal experience of breaking up that heroin ring back in high school.

I’ve been rewatching the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited cartoons on HBO Max, and man do they hold up well. The writing, the animation, and the voice performances are all top notch. As far as I’m concerned it would be very hard to watch more Justice League movies without that cast, Kevin Conroy

Also... Does she just have a vag zipper for her suit like a BDSM suit?