Dadmom Angrypants

The dream/nightmare sequences are beautifully haunting. Although if you don’t have your TV/monitor/phone settings set right, it might be so dark you can’t fully see the creepiness’ to it. There was some nice haunting music to it. The acting is what you would expect for a low budget little scifish indie horror. But

This was a solid 9/10 for me until the very last shot took it down to a 7/10 or so. Never before have I seen ten seconds of film so thoroughly take all the wind out of a movie’s sails before crashing directly into credits.

Holden’s the biggest mismatch for me too, not that I don’t like what Straight has done with the role. I pictured him as being a little more grizzled looking (although masking that guileless sincerity). The nitpicker in me also wanted Naomi to be taller and lankier and generally more belter-y, but I truly love how

There’s no need to hedge with this “maybe one of the top two” stuff, Spiderverse is objectively the best Spidey film.

I’m going to check this show out. only good things, i’ve heard.

You’re loco, man!*

I felt like Rey did that for a lot of star wars fans, in a way. Because I can’t remember A New Hope beat for beat but watching TFA, I felt like I was on another adventure. But this time, it was a young woman on screen, uninterested in romantic entanglements, lonely, and a little lost. That’s powerful stuff. I would’ve

And the thing about fan service is, it does the opposite in the long run. It’s just catering to existing fans, but not creating new ones. I doubt any younger people who didn’t grow up with the Ghostbusters will see this film and think, “Yes, this is the franchise for me!” It will just seem weird and inscrutable, full

Why is Timo Tjahjanto doing this instead of a follow-up to The Night Comes for Us with Julie Estelle???

Crazy Stupid Love is the best romantic comedy of the last 10 years, IMO. Carell, Gosling, Stone and Moore are all tremendous in it. So are the kids, and so are Kevin Bacon and Marisa Tomei. And John Carroll Lynch! Seriously, people, it’s worth a watch. It’s much funnier than I ever thought it would be, and very

Agree, it’s a rom-com.  Frankly, Ryan Gosling dressing him up and getting him to try on personas is just a slightly subdued version of 40 year old virgin.  They even have the same basic scene, with Carrel trying and failing to execute a plan with Elizabeth Banks and Marisa Tomei.

Predators was fantastic! Probably my favorite Predator flick overall. Such a great cast too.

I hope they incorporate more of Predators into this one. That movie was ridiculously underrated. The Predator was a major letdown (how does an R-rated sci-fi horror movie water down Shane Black more than Iron Man 3?), but they kept the Predator dogs from that movie, which means Predators is still canon.

The last Predator movie was such an unbelievable trash fire. The premise for the this new one certainly sounds better, but I’m not going to get my hopes up.

Oh, Seeking a Friend for the End of the World is wonderful. I guess I understand why it’s not more well-known or talked about - a tough movie to market I guess. But it’s beautifully done and sweet as hell.

Came here to say the same thing. That movie is ridiculously underrated.

It’s a bit like Jack Womack’s (actually quite good) “Random Acts of Senseless Violence”. He has civilization falling into anarchy and yet the trusty local indie bookstore is an thriving oasis of sanity admid the chaos. That’s really wishful thinking on the part of someone whose livelihood depended on books, though. To

How refreshing, just simple, standalone stories where you feel like you can get in and get out and you got the full offering, how refreshing.

An odd suggestion. Some hard work goes into pretty much all media--doesn’t mean I have to be satisfied with it.

And they’re stupid! If you’re involved with a teenager, at some point they have to open their mouth. They’re all stupid.