Dadmom Angrypants

Bummed Eighth Grade wasn’t nominated but the Academy rarely nominates horror movies.

Beale Street, Hereditary and Blindspotting all got crimianlly overlooked in multiple categories.

I worked on both 1313 and Ragtag. Ragtag had killer concept art, ideas, and some new CGI tech that was gonna blow minds.

This is the whole point that Meg is making. The question is stupid. The article is about the exhaustion she feels over society expecting women to perform all of the emotional and actual labor to clean up after a bunch of sexist men. Going forward is not the interesting question, and it is not where the root of the

Wow I started the comment for thoughts on S2BY but unstarred when I got to the last sentence. I love Armie Hammer

I actually found ME:A to have a very good gameplay loop, amazing looking locales and graphics in general, and some interesting stories to explore. The “bad facial animations” was indeed hideous, and easy for people around the interwebs to clip and laugh at, but overall it didn’t really stop me from enjoying ~80 hours

Yeah, this was an amazing year for fiction podcasts and I’m sad they didn’t touch on them.

Yeah, it’s definitely a good idea to binge the first season before listening to the second. So much time went by between seasons that I imagine it would be difficult to remember all that happened in season 1.

I so agree. 

Not meaning to point the finger particularly at the avclub, it’s just something that this article reminded me of, which is how frequently the fiction side of podcasting is forgotten or treated like some weird new trend just now coming on the scene, when there have just been a metric ton of audio dramas just killing it

It’s bizarre to me that there’s not a single audio drama on the list. This year saw the end of ars PARADOXICA, the musical episode of The Bright Sessions, probably the strongest field ever for the Parsec Awards Audio Drama Long Form category (Uncanny County and Exoplanetary are both superlative), and of course

I felt the same way about ‘The Dragon Prince’ - it stopped just as the adventure was getting started. Can’t wait for season two.

Clarissa Mao’s transition from the novels to the show is one piece of revisionism that just didn’t work well.  Without her internal dialogue and some of the backstory in the novel (that wouldn’t have translated well to the screen) she just seemed incomplete.

I only started watching The Expanse about 3 months ago and binge watched it to hell. Excellent show.

Steven Universe certainly had a good run of episodes this year, especially in being such a groundbreaker for LGBTQ portrayal in kids’ animation. And the Gems’ adventures will return in a week.

She-Ra and Hilda were definite highlights for me. I feel so happy that kids these days have shows like that to grow up with.

My most vivid childhood memory of frozen pizza is always burning the roof of my mouth.

This is why the NBA would be a lot more interesting with a hard cap but no max contract. 

Legit question here.  Without a salary cap how do you ensure the richest teams aren’t the best teams every year?