Dadmom Angrypants

That Wolverine game is incredible. There’s one boss fight in particular I’d love to revisit.

It’s always surprising to me when people express love for the X-Men cartoon. I grew up a huge X-Men comic nerd, it was my everything as a preteen, so I had been waiting most of my life for an X-Men cartoon or movie. When the cartoon came out, I was crestfallen, I thought it was so terrible. I wonder if it merits a

Have you seen the X-Men anime series?  I’m watching it now--makes a perfect accompaniment to a quick jog on the treadmill--and it’s better than I would have predicted.  It’s a nice mix of classic and Grant Morrison elements, apparently “guided by” Warren Ellis.

All of those movies were in fact better than Infinity War.

By and large, I agree. This was, overall, a good episode in a tremendous season.

Yeah, absolutely! I’m a huge audio drama fan, and I love soooo much of what it has to offer. Six Cold Feet has moments of ensemble, but it and Kalila are both primarily single-narrator. Station Blue, though, might be up your alley if you’re into horror! For ensemble audio dramas that lean more drama, less comedy, I’d

LimeTown, The Message, Life/After, Larkspur Underground, Bronzeville,and if you like British Comedy: The Monster Hunters, Wooden Overcoats

I would have loved to see more audio dramas on this list, and more indie podcasts. Fiction in podcasting is so incredible right now: it’s a beautifully diverse medium delivering some of the best stories I’ve experienced on any medium recently. A Very Fatal Murder was funny, for sure, but it doesn’t hold a candle to

I’d argue that Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Ant-Man were all artistic risks, in terms of pushing the limits of what audiences will accept. Black Panther was certainly their first real progressive risk, though.

4 Billion. I only know that because I just started replaying Mass Effect 2.

Wait, where in this review do I imply that revisionist Westerns are a new thing? The first sentence does almost the exact opposite: I wouldn’t suggest that an expression had *become* redundant if you couldn’t identify a time when it wasn’t—like, yes, the 1950s, when there were revisionist Westerns but also plenty that

there is no ‘fixing’ anything. i don’t think the movie ecosystem has room for any more ‘universes’ than marvel, to be honest. what dc should have done is come out as an alternative instead of a competitor. if they’d gone ‘none of our movies are connected, they’re all self contained, fuck it we might have a different

When my wife left me and got full custody of the kids, I got a mask and body suit and disguised myself as an old English woman and became their nanny. I am now in prison.

I peeled out after seeing Death Proof.

Yes, what Syd did was rape. But she was also a child when she did it. I think there’s a level of difference between the mistake of a child versus the mistake of an adult.

But is it fair to the story to choose your interpretation? And I apologize if my following reasoning comes across as too harsh, it is not meant in such a way as this is a genuine curiosity question to me.

I do think most of the events of tonight’s finale were manipulations by Shadow King. Certainly I don’t think David would have broken so soon if the Shadow King hadn’t backed him into this corner.

But it was David who was desperate for Syd’s love, and it was David who didn’t have the patience or the basic human respect

Part of me hopes you’re right, but even that explanation would make this into an awfully gross and exploitative tactic for the show, not for Farouk. I welcome the disagreement and debate, MFN Dixon. But David admitted suppressing Syd’s memories, full stop. He can try and justify that all he wants, but he altered her

It’s startling how nice it is just to watch something measured and thoughtful about this movie. I really dug this film and still agree with the the critique of Finn’s character arc. I love TLJ, but not unconditionally and it’s nice to be able to think about these things without the conversation devolving into the

The trailers were really meh. They especially had the same weird underlighting problem that most of the movie, which made everything seem unnecessarily grim. I bet bad promotion is about 75% of the reason why this movie underperformed.